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What Eats Possums? (24 Animals with Pictures)

What Eats Possums

Animals that eat possums include owls, birds, bobcats, eagles, and foxes.

There are some animals that prey on possums as their main source of food. These animals include bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, and snakes. All of these predators have sharp claws or teeth that help them to kill and eat the possums.

In addition, some scavenging animals, such as vultures and raptors, will also eat possums if they are available. While possums may be a common prey item for many different predators, they are not typically hunted by humans.

Examples of Animals that Eat Possums

1. Barn Owls

Scientific NameTyto alba
Type of AnimalBird
RangeEurope, western Asia, and Africa

The barn owl is a common predator of possums. This owl typically hunts at night and uses its sharp talons to kill its prey. The barn owl has been known to eat other animals, such as rats, rabbits, and skunks, but the possum is one of its main sources of food.

2. Black Kite

Scientific NameMilvus migrans
Type of AnimalBird
RangeEurope, Asia, Africa, and Australia

The black kite is a raptor that is found in many parts of the world. This bird of prey is attracted to large areas where there is lots of prey available, which includes possums. The black kite has sharp talons that it uses to grasp its prey and strong muscles that allow it to carry heavy animals. In addition to possums, the black kite also preys on other small mammals, birds, and insects.

3. Bobcats

Scientific NameLynx rufus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeNorth America, southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico

Bobcats are the primary predator of possums in the eastern United States. These cats have sharp claws and teeth that help them to kill and eat the possums. In addition, their fur helps them to stay warm in cold climates, which is important since they live in areas such as the Appalachian Mountains.

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4. Coyotes

Scientific NameCanis latrans
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeNorth America

Coyotes are common predators of possums. They typically hunt them by chasing them down and biting them in the neck. Coyotes can eat a lot of possums, sometimes up to 30% of their food intake.

5. Dingoes

Scientific NameCanis lupus dingo
Type of AnimalMammal

Dingoes are a type of wild dog that is found in Australia. They primarily prey on smaller animals, such as possums, but will also eat larger animals if they are available. Dingoes are known for their sharp teeth and claws, which help them to kill and eat their prey. In addition, they are very agile and can run quickly to catch their prey.

6. Dogs

Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Type of AnimalMammal

Dogs are a type of domesticated animal that is kept as a pet by many people. While they can eat a variety of different things, dogs typically prefer to eat meat. This means that they will often prey on smaller animals, such as possums, in order to get their food.

7. Eagles

Scientific NameAccipitridae
Type of AnimalBird

Eagles are a type of raptor that is found all over the world. They are known for their sharp talons and hooked beaks, which help them to kill and eat their prey. Eagles typically prey on larger animals, such as rabbits, deer, and possums. They are able to fly high into the air to spot their prey, and then swoop down to catch it. In addition, they are very strong and can carry large prey items back to their nest.

8. Eastern Screech Owl

Scientific NameMegascops asio
Type of AnimalBird
RangeEastern North America, Mexico, and Canada

The Eastern Screech Owl is a type of owl that is found in North America. They prey on a variety of small animals, including possums. These owls have very sharp talons which help them to kill their prey. In addition, they are nocturnal predators, meaning that they hunt at night. This helps them to avoid being seen by their prey.

9. Fennec Fox

Scientific NameVulpes zerda
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeNorth Africa, and east to Sinai and Arabia

The Fennec Fox is a small fox that is found in North Africa and the Middle East. This animal is known for its large ears, which help it to stay cool in hot climates. The Fennec Fox preys on a variety of small animals, including possums. It has sharp teeth and claws that help it to kill and eat its prey. In addition, the Fennec Fox is very agile and can run quickly to catch its prey.

10. Feral Cats

Scientific NameFelis catus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeUrban areas and grasslands, including a restored prairie

Feral cats are domestic cats that have been abandoned or have become wild. They can be found in many different parts of the world, including North America and Australia. Feral cats are known for preying on small animals, such as possums.

11. Great Horned Owls

Scientific NameBubo virginianus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeUnited States, Alaska, southern Mexico, Central America, and South America

The Great Horned Owl is a large owl that is found in North America. This owl is well-adapted to hunting prey that is both large and small. The Great Horned Owl has powerful talons that it uses to kill its prey, which includes possums.

12. Grey Fox

Scientific NameUrocyon cinereoargenteus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeSouthern Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America

The Grey Fox is a species of fox that is found in North America. This Fox is well-adapted to living in both rural and urban areas. One of the Grey Fox’s primary sources of food is the Virginia Opossum. In fact, the Grey Fox is one of the few predators that can take down an adult opossum.

13. Harris Hawk

Scientific NameParabuteo unicinctus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeSemiopen desert lowlands, mesquite, saguaro, organ pipe cactus, savannah, and wetland habitats

The Harris Hawk is a raptor that is found in North and South America. This hawk is well-adapted to hunting prey in open areas. The Harris Hawk typically feeds on small animals, such as rodents and rabbits. However, the hawk will also eat opossums if they are available.

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14. Merlin

Scientific NameFalco columbarius
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth America, Europe, northern Asia, Japan, and northeastern Russia

The Merlin is a small raptor that is found in North America. This raptor is well-adapted to hunting small prey, which includes the Virginia Opossum. The Merlin typically hunts by perching in a tree and waiting for an opportune moment to strike. When it spots a possum, the Merlin will dive down and catch it in its talons.

15. Mountain Lion

Scientific NamePuma concolor
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeAmericas, southern Alaska, the southernmost tip of Chile in western South America

The Mountain Lion is a large cat that is found in North and South America. This big cat is well-adapted to living in a variety of habitats, including forests and deserts. The Mountain Lion is a top predator and preys on a variety of animals, including possums.

16. Osprey

Scientific NamePandion haliaetus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeOceans, rivers, lakes, mangroves, coastal wetlands, lagoons, reefs, estuaries, and marshes

The Osprey is a large raptor that is found in North America. This bird of prey is well-adapted to hunting and eating fish. However, the Osprey will also eat other animals, including opossums. Opossums are an important part of Osprey’s diet, especially during the winter when other prey items are harder to find.

17. Pythons

Scientific NamePython
Type of AnimalReptile
RangeAsia, Africa, and Australia

Pythons are a type of snake that is found in Africa, Asia, and North America. These snakes are known for their large size and for being constrictors. Pythons kill their prey by coiling around it and squeezing it until the animal suffocates. Possums are a common prey item for pythons, especially in areas where they are found in large numbers.

18. Raccoons

Scientific NameProcyon lotor
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeUS, Canada, Latin America, Mexico, and northernmost regions of South America

Raccoons are common mammals that are found in North America. These animals are well-adapted to living in both rural and urban areas. Raccoons are opportunistic feeders, which means that they will eat whatever is available to them. One of the raccoon’s primary sources of food is the Virginia Opossum. Raccoons are able to kill and eat opossums that are larger than they are.

19. Red Fox

Scientific NameVulpes vulpes
Type of AnimalMammal

The Grey Fox is a medium-sized fox that is found in North America. This fox is well-adapted to living in forests and marshes. The Grey Fox primarily hunts small prey, such as rabbits and possums. The Grey Fox has sharp teeth and claws that it uses to kill its prey.

20. Red-Tailed Hawk

Scientific NameButeo jamaicensis
Type of AnimalBird
RangeCentral America, and West Indies

The Red-tailed Hawk is a large raptor that is found in North America. This hawk is well-adapted to hunting a variety of prey, including small mammals like possums. The Red-tailed Hawk has sharp talons and a powerful beak that it uses to kill its prey. In addition, the hawk has keen eyesight that allows it to spot prey from a distance.

21. Rufous Owl

Scientific NameNinox rufa
Type of AnimalBird
RangeIndonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia

The Rufous Owl is a small owl that is found in Central America and South America. This owl is well-adapted to hunting prey that is both large and small. The Rufous Owl has powerful talons that it uses to kill its prey, which includes possums.

22. Spotted-Tailed Quoll

Scientific NameDasyurus maculatus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeForests, woodlands, coastal heathlands, and rainforests

The Spotted-Tailed Quoll is a carnivorous marsupial that is found in Australia. This animal is the second largest predator in Australia, after the dingo. The Spotted-Tailed Quoll preys on a wide variety of animals, including possums.

23. Vultures

Scientific NameCathartes
Type of AnimalBird
RangeAfrica, Asia, Europe, North, and South America

The turkey vulture is a large bird that is found in North America. This vulture is well-adapted to scavenging, which means that it eats dead animals. This vulture will eat possums if they are available.

24. Wolves

Scientific NameCanis lupus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeNorth America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa

Wolves are predatory animal that is found in North America and Europe. Wolves typically prey on deer, but will also eat smaller animals such as possums. In addition to being predators, wolves are also scavengers and will eat carrion (dead animals). This makes the wolf an important part of the ecosystem, as they help to clean up the carcasses of dead animals.


Animals that eat possums The Fennec Fox, Great Horned Owls, Eastern Screech Owl, and Red Fox are all animals that prey on possums. Eagles also prey on these small mammals as well. Dogs typically eat meat, but will sometimes kill a possum in order to get their food if they cannot find any other type of prey.

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