About Fauna Facts
What is Fauna Facts?
Fauna facts is a website that provides information about animals and pets. We strive to create engaging and entertaining articles on any questions our readers have about animals.
We support environmental protection and are advocates for the protection of animals. Thriving biodiversity can help protect the planet and all its inhabitants.
We recognize that we live in the ‘Anthropocene – an era in which humans have enormous adverse impacts on the flora and fauna on our planet. It’s therefore our responsibility to educate and protect the planet around us.
Who We Are
Our founder is Chris. He’s a professional digital publisher. Chris sets the strategic direction of our website and chooses the topics that we write about.
Chris was a teacher before going into digital publishing. He loves the outdoors and gets SUPER excited when he runs into wildlife while out on a hike.
We also have a team of freelancer writers who write for us. All content is parsed, formatted and edited by Chris before publication.
Our Vision
To create the most comprehensive animal conservation resource site on the internet.
Our Mission
To promote animal conservation through education and activism.
Our Values
We believe in environmental protection and advocacy. We believe we can do our part by educating our readership.
Our Governing Documents
This site is governed by our Disclaimer, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy documents that are available in the footer of the website.
We are more than happy to work with others who share our values of animal conservation. You may contact us at: faunafactsweb at gmail dot com