Yellow is not the most commonly seen color in the wild, but when we see it, it’s usually to let us know that the animal is to be avoided.
However, that’s not always the case. Many yellow animals are perfectly safe to handle!
Below is a list of 24 interesting yellow animals.
List of Animals that are Yellow
These are the most fascinating animals that are yellow.
1. American Goldfinch
Scientific Name | Spinus tristis |
Classification | Bird |
Size | Up to 5.5 inches |
Habitat | Forest |
Both the male and the female of the American goldfinch are yellow. The male is a brighter yellow to attract the females, while the female is yellow-brown.
2. American Yellow Warbler
Scientific Name | Setophaga petechia |
Classification | Bird |
Size | Up to 7.1 inch |
Habitat | Forests |
Birds are found in all different shapes and colors, but the yellow warbler is arguably one of the prettiest ones. Bird watchers from the Americas have long adored this species because of its bright yellow coloration and interesting singing patterns.
3. Apple Snails
Scientific Name | Ampullariidae |
Classification | Gastropod |
Size | Up to 5 inches |
Habitat | Forests |
The apple snail looks like – well, an apple. The body of the snail is entirely yellow with the shell being slightly darker in color. It is one of the few snails that requires males and females to be present for breeding.
4. Asian Golden Weaver
Scientific Name | Ploceus hypoxanthus |
Classification | Bird |
Size | Up to 8.5 inch |
Habitat | Grasslands, swamps |
The Asian Golden weaver also displays sexual dimorphism, as females tend to be darker yellow and brown, while males are yellow and black. The males have this color in order to attract females of the same species.
5. Banana Slug
Scientific Name | Ariolimax |
Classification | Gastropod |
Size | 9 inches |
Habitat | Forests, rainforests |
Is it a banana? No, it’s actually a slug! You could easily mistake this animal for a banana because of its yellow coloration and the black head. It also has that distinct banana-like shape, which might make it hard to see the difference between this animal and a banana.
6. Burmese Python
Scientific Name | Python bivittatus |
Classification | Reptile |
Size | Up to 26 feet |
Habitat | Rainforests, aquatic habitats |
If you don’t like snakes, then you’re going to be grossed by this large python. The Burmese python is one of the largest snakes in the world. It’s a non-venomous snake that uses constriction to kill its prey. You wouldn’t want to find yourself in the grasp of this strong snake!
7. Canary
Scientific Name | Serinus canaria |
Classification | Bird |
Size | 3-4 inches |
Habitat | Orchards and forests |
The canary bird is one of the most popular types of bird pets. It’s easy to keep and maintain, and it’s also a lovely creature to look at. This bird is found in different colors, although yellow is by far the most commonly seen.
8. Climbing Mantella
Scientific Name | Mantella laevigata |
Classification | Amphibian |
Size | 1.1 inch |
Habitat | Tropical forests |
The climbing mantella is a very fast and agile frog species. It has the ability to scale its surroundings quickly while also staying safe from its predators. It’s a poison frog as it has poison on its skin, so not many predators are willing to take the risk of attacking this animal and grabbing it in its mouth.
9. Clouded Sulphur
Scientific Name | Colias philodice |
Classification | Insect |
Size | Up to 2 inches |
Habitat | Fields, lawns, meadows |
Clouded sulphur is one of the most commonly seen butterfly species in the world. This butterfly will primarily appear as yellow, but you might also see it in other shades of yellow as well as grey and even white.
10. Electric Yellow Cichlid
Scientific Name | Labidochromis caeruleus |
Classification | Fish |
Size | 3.2 inches |
Habitat | Lake Malawi |
The electric yellow cichlid is a somewhat rare fish species, as it is only endemic to Lake Malawi. Despite that, many people own this fish as pets, as they are popular because of their bright-yellow appearance.
11. Eurasian Golden Oriole
Scientific Name | Oriolus oriolus |
Classification | Bird |
Size | Up to 18.5 inches |
Habitat | Forests |
The males of the Eurasian Golden oriole are far more vivid and colorful than the females, which is a trait that is very commonly seen with birds. The goal of that is to help the males attract the females, of course.
12. Eyelash Viper
Scientific Name | Bothriechis schlegelii |
Classification | Reptile |
Venom | High |
Size | Up to 32 inches |
Habitat | Densely wooded sea-level forests |
The eyelash viper is especially known for its yellowish appearance and its famous eyelashes. But it can also be quite a dangerous snake to meet, because its venom can be even fatal to humans, if it is not treated quickly. In any case, it’s a beautiful snake that you don’t want to meet in nature or get bitten by.
13. Galapagos Land Iguana
Scientific Name | Conolophus subcristatus |
Classification | Reptile |
Size | 3 feet |
Habitat | Galapagos |
This iguana that is endemic to Galapagos has become endangered in recent years. You’ll find this animal in different colors, such as orange or yellow.
14. Ghost Crab
Scientific Name | Ocypodinae |
Classification | Malacostraca |
Size | Up to 3 inches |
Habitat | Seashores |
The ghost crab looks like something out of a movie or a music video. This crab has haunting eyes and a yellow body. It is called a ghost crab because of its nocturnal nature and its brighter coloration.
15. Golden Poison Frog
Scientific Name | Phyllobates terribilis |
Classification | Amphibian |
Venom | High |
Size | Up to 2 inches |
Habitat | Rainforest |
The golden poison frog is one of the most toxic animals in the world, and certainly the most toxic frog in the world. People often say that the brighter the animal is, the more venomous it is; and for the golden poison frog, that saying is absolutely true.
16. Goldenrod Crab Spider
Scientific Name | Misumena vatia |
Classification | Arachnid |
Venom | Low |
Size | Up to 0.35 inches |
Habitat | Forests |
While the thought of seeing a yellow spider might give you the creeps, the goldenrod crab spider is actually harmless to humans. These crab spiders hunt bees, ants, and anything else that tends to climb onto plants. Males are bright yellow, while females are white.
17. Panamanian Golden Frog
Scientific Name | Atelopus zeteki |
Classification | Amphibian |
Size | Up to 2 inch |
Habitat | Rainforests |
This beautiful frog with a yellow body and black dots is a critically endangered species. The frog that is endemic to the forests of Panama has for some time been deemed as extinct, although there are still some specimens out in the wild. Hopefully, specialists will be able to protect them from going extinct.
18. Twenty-Two Spotted Ladybird
Scientific Name | Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata |
Classification | Insect |
Size | 0.2 inches |
Habitat | Forests |
As the name suggests, the 22-spotted ladybird has 22 black spots on its yellow body. This creature is often found on leaves in European and North American forests. It feeds on mildew of shrubs and umbellifers.
19. Wasp (Yellowjacket)
Scientific Name | Vespula |
Classification | Insect |
Venom | Medium |
Size | 0.47 inch |
Habitat | Forests, meadows |
Ah yes, the wasp. Well, if you have ever been bitten by one of these creatures, then you know how painful it can be. That’s why wasps are not usually well-liked by people, but they play an important role in nature. It’s an important pollinator and it also takes care of pests, so it has its benefits, although its sting can be quite painful.
20. West Coast Sea Nettle
Scientific Name | Chrysaora fuscescens |
Classification | Scyphozoa |
Venom | Medium |
Size | 3 feet |
Habitat | Pacific Ocean |
The west coast sea nettle, as this creature is often called, is one of the largest (or rather, longest) sea creatures out there. It has a golden bell and long tentacles that it uses to hunt down its prey. These tentacles also emit toxins to any animal that tries attacking it, making it a strong animal defensively.
21. Yellow Anaconda
Scientific Name | Eunectes notaeus |
Classification | Reptile |
Size | Up to 13 feet |
Habitat | Banks of slow-moving rivers |
The yellow anaconda is one of the largest snakes in the world. It lives near slow-moving rivers especially in South America. This snake doesn’t have venom, but it kills its prey through constriction.
22. Yellow Garden Spider
Scientific Name | Argiope aurantia |
Classification | Arachnid |
Venom | Low |
Size | Up to 1.1 inch |
Habitat | Gardens, lawns |
The yellow garden spider, like most other garden spider species, will create large-scale sheet webs that it will use to hunt down its prey. While it does carry venom, the bite of this spider is relatively harmless to humans. Phew!
23. Yellow Seahorse
Scientific Name | Hippocampus kuda |
Classification | Actinopterygii |
Size | Up to 12 inches |
Habitat | Indo-Pacfic |
The yellow seahorse is usually seen in the depths of the Indo-Pacific. Although in the recent years, it has become an endangered species because of loss of habitat and constant pollution of the sea.
24. Yellow Tang
Scientific Name | Zebrasoma flavescens |
Classification | Fish |
Size | 7.9 inches |
Habitat | Ocean |
The yellow tang is a common inhabitant of zoos and home tanks. Many people prefer to own these beauties because of their bright coloration, but also because they’re quite docile and are avid breeders.
Yellow animals can be found all over the world. Many of these animals are bright and vivid, which might lead you to believe they are also dangerous. While that is partly true, many of these yellow animals are quite pleasant and friendly.
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