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What Eats Shrimp? (23 Animals with Pictures)

What Eats Shrimp

Animals that eat shrimp include catfish, cod, crabs, dolphins, and birds.

There are a variety of animals that eat shrimp, both in the wild and in captivity. Some of the most common animals that eat shrimp include fish, sea turtles, and manatees.

Shrimp is a popular food item for many fish species, including both saltwater and freshwater fish. In the wild, fish typically prey on smaller shrimp, but larger shrimp can also be preyed upon.

Some fish that eat shrimp include the Atlantic cod, the bluefish, the California grunion, the golden-red horse, and the walleye.

Examples of Animals that Eat Shrimp

1. Catfish

Scientific NameSiluriformes
Type of AnimalFish

Catfish are a type of fish that is common in North America. They are known for their whiskers and for being able to breathe air. This allows them to live in both fresh water and saltwater. Catfish eat shrimp by locating them with their whiskers and then sucking them into their mouth.

2. Cod

Scientific NameGadus morhua
Type of AnimalFish
RangeNorthern Atlantic and Pacific oceans

Cod is a type of whitefish that is commonly found in the North Atlantic Ocean. They are a popular food fish and are also used to make fish sticks and filets. Cod are opportunistic feeders and will eat whatever is available to them. This includes shrimp, which they often catch by scavenging on the seafloor.

Read Also: Do Shrimps Eat Zooplankton?

3. Crabs

Mud Crabs
Scientific NameBrachyura
Type of AnimalCrustacean

Crabs are a type of marine crustacean that can be found in both salt and fresh water. There are many different types of crabs, some of which are predators and some of which are prey. Shrimp is a common prey item for many different types of crabs, including the blue crab, Dungeness crab, and stone crab.

4. Cuttlefish

Scientific NameSepiida
Type of AnimalFish
RangeTropical seas

Cuttlefish are a type of cephalopod that is found in both salt and freshwater. They are a popular food item and are also used as bait for larger fish. Cuttlefish are ambush predators and will often hide among rocks or coral until a shrimp comes within striking distance. They then use their powerful tentacles to capture the shrimp.

5. Dolphins

a vaquita dolphin
Scientific NameCetacea
Type of AnimalMammal

Dolphins are a type of cetacean that is found in all the world’s oceans. They are social animals that often travel in packs. Dolphins are opportunistic predators and will eat whatever is available to them. This includes shrimp, which they often catch by hunting in packs.

6. Flamingos

Scientific NamePhoenicopterus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeAfrica, Asia, and Europe

Flamingos are a type of wading bird that is found in many different parts of the world. They get their name from their characteristic pink feathers, which are a result of the shrimp and other small crustaceans that they eat.

Flamingos are able to digest the crustaceans’ hard shells by using a special enzyme in their stomachs. This allows them to extract more nutrients from their food, which is why they are able to survive on a diet that is mostly made up of shrimp.

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7. Goldfish

Scientific NameCarassius auratus
Type of AnimalFish

Goldfish are a type of carp that is popular as a pet fish. They are found in many different colors, including orange, red, white, and black. Goldfish are not picky eaters and will consume a wide variety of foods, including shrimp. They often catch shrimp by scavenging on the bottom of lakes and ponds.

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8. Humans

Scientific NameHomo sapiens
Type of AnimalMammal

Humans are not typically considered predators of shrimp, but they do eat them occasionally. Shrimp is a popular seafood item and can be found in many different dishes. They are also used to make shrimp cocktails, which are a popular appetizer. Humans catch shrimp by using trawls and other fishing gear, as well as by aquaculture.

9. Jellyfish

Box Jellyfish
Scientific NameScyphozoa
Type of AnimalScyphozoa

Jellyfish are a type of marine invertebrate that can be found in both salt and fresh water. They get their name from their gelatinous bodies, which are made up of 95% water. Jellyfish eat a variety of things, including shrimp. They catch shrimp by swimming through schools of them and using their tentacles to grab them.

10. Koi

Koi Fish
Scientific NameCyprinus rubrofuscus
Type of AnimalFish
RangeBlack, Caspian, and Aral Seas

Koi are a type of carp that are popular pets in the United States. They are a domesticated breed of fish that is often used in garden ponds. Koi are omnivorous and will eat anything that they can find. This includes shrimp, which they catch by scavenging on the bottom of the pond.

11. Mussels

Scientific NameMytilus edulis
Type of AnimalMammal

Mussels are a type of shellfish that can be found in both fresh and saltwater. They are a popular food item and are also used in the production of mussel seed oil. Mussels are filter feeders and will eat anything that they can fit inside their mouths. This includes shrimp, which they often catch by filtering the water for food.

12. Octopus

red octopus
Scientific NameOctopoda
Type of AnimalCephalopods

Octopuses are another type of seafood that is popular among predators. They are cephalopods, which means they have a head and eight arms. Octopuses are able to catch shrimp by using their arms to create a suction cup effect. This allows them to attach themselves to the shrimp and then pull it into their mouth.

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13. Perch

yellow perch
Scientific NamePerca
Type of AnimalFish
RangeNorth America

Perch are a type of freshwater fish that is found in many different parts of the world. They are a popular food fish and can be eaten whole or filleted. Perch often eat shrimp when they are available. They catch them by swimming around in search of them and then sucking them into their mouths.

14. Pipefish

Scientific NameSyngnathinae
Type of AnimalFish
Range Tropical and subtropical regions

Pipefish are a type of fish that is related to the seahorse. They are found in both salt and fresh water and can be found in many different parts of the world. Pipefish typically eat small invertebrates, such as shrimp. They catch shrimp by using their long snout to suck them out of the water.

15. Sea Urchins

Red Sea Urchin
Scientific NameEchinoidea
Type of AnimalEchinoidea

Sea urchins are a type of invertebrate that is found in both salt and fresh water. They have a spiny shell that covers their body and five long tentacles that they use to catch prey. Sea urchins eat a variety of things, including shrimp. They catch shrimp by extending their tentacles into the water and using their suckers to hold onto them. They then pull the shrimp into their mouth and eat them.

Related Article: Do Sea Urchin Eat Kelp?

16. Seabirds

Scientific NameCharadriiformes
Type of AnimalBird

Seabirds are a group of birds that live predominantly in coastal areas. They include species like gulls, pelicans, and puffins. Seabirds feed on a variety of items, including fish, crustaceans, and squid. Shrimp is a common prey item for many seabird species, who often catch them by diving into the water.

17. Seahorses

Scientific NameHippocampus
Type of AnimalFish

Seahorses are a type of fish that is found in coastal waters all over the world. They are popular aquarium fish and are also used in traditional Chinese medicine. Seahorses are ambush predators and will wait for prey to come close before attacking. This includes shrimp, which they catch by using their long snout to reach into crevices and snatch them.

18. Sharks

Whale Shark
Scientific NameSelachimorpha
Type of AnimalFish
RangeAtlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern

Sharks are a type of fish that belong to the family Lamnidae. They are predatory animals and are one of the main predators of shrimp. Sharks often hunt for shrimp in open water, where they can use their speed and agility to catch them. Some of the most common sharks that eat shrimp include the great white shark and the tiger shark.

19. Squid

Scientific NameDecabrachia
Type of AnimalCephalopod

Squid is a type of cephalopod that is found in all the world’s oceans. They are a popular food item and are also used to make squid ink pasta. Squid are predators and eat mostly fish and other smaller squid. They have a beak-like mouth that can easily penetrate the hard exoskeleton of shrimp.

20. Starfish

Scientific NameAsteroidea
Type of AnimalEchinoderm
RangeIn all of the world’s oceans, from warm, tropical waters to the cold seafloor

Starfish is a type of marine invertebrate that can be found in both salt and fresh water. They are often preyed upon by seagulls, dolphins, and sharks. Starfish use their arms to sweep the seafloor for shrimp, which they then eat.

Related Article: What Eats Starfish?

21. Stingrays

Scientific NameMyliobatoidei
Type of AnimalFish
RangeCoastal tropical and subtropical marine waters throughout the world.

Stingrays are a type of fish that can be found in both salt and freshwater. They have a flattened body shape and typically feed on small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Stingrays use their barb to catch prey. This barb is covered in sharp spikes that can easily pierce the skin of prey animals. Stingrays often eat shrimp by ambush hunting them from below.

22. Whales

Beluga Whales
Scientific NameCetacea
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeAll oceans of the world

Whales are a type of marine mammal that can be found in all the world’s oceans. There are many different types of whales, including blue whales, humpback whales, and sperm whales. Whales are at the top of the food chain and eat a variety of prey items, including shrimp. They often catch shrimp by eating schools of smaller fish that the shrimp are hiding in.

23. Walrus

Scientific NameOdobenus rosmarus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeArctic and sub-Arctic regions of the world near the North Pole.

Walruses are a type of pinniped that is found in the Arctic Ocean. They are the largest members of the family and can weigh up to 4,000 pounds. Walruses are omnivores and will eat a variety of things, including shrimp. They often catch shrimp by foraging in shallow water near the shoreline.

Related Article: What Eats Walruses?


Though shrimp may seem like a small and insignificant creature, it is actually a popular food item for many different types of animals. From fish to birds to mammals, shrimp are enjoyed by creatures all across the animal kingdom. This makes them a versatile and important part of marine ecosystems.

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