Hobo Spider vs Giant House Spider (What’s the Difference?)

The main difference between hobo spiders and giant house spiders is the size. Giant house spiders are much larger than hobo spiders. Although both species have black and yellow bodies, each species has a unique pattern. In terms of behavior, hobo spiders tend to be more aggressive than house spiders.

Many people confuse these two species. At first glance, they look very similar, although upon further inspection you can clearly see there is a difference in size and color. Both species often find their way into our homes, so you might find this article helpful in helping you identify them.

Hobo Spider vs Giant House Spider

In this article we’ll discuss the similarities and difference between these species, so you can learn to identify them.

Disclaimer: This is information for entertainment and educational purposes only. Do not approach a wild animal and keep your distance. Only professionals should handle wild animals. Seek professional help immediately if you have been bitten or otherwise harmedConsult your local wildlife authority for the right advice for your situation and locality.

Hobo Spider vs Giant House Spider Similarities

1. Shape

At first glance, both spiders are very similar. If you don’t know the difference in sizes, then you wouldn’t be able to tell clearly which spider you’re looking at.

Both spiders have fairly long legs, front-facing fangs, a round abdomen and they also have similar colors. You might not be able to tell the difference if you don’t know what the differences are between these two spiders.

2. Color

Both species have brown-yellow-black hues on their body, with both the hobo spider and the giant house spider having stripes on their abdomen.

Giant house spiders have darker legs and more pronounced stripes on their body.

On the other hand, the hobo spider has lighter-colored legs, but it also doesn’t have very distinct differences between the shapes on their abdomen and the rest of their body.

3. Web Type

Both hobo spiders and giant house spiders like to create funnel webs. These types of webs are often messy and unorganized, while they finish with the funnel which allows the spider to hide and catch its prey.

Read More: What do Hobo Spiders Eat?

Funnel webs are quite common with most house spider species, but also with hobo spiders. Hobo spiders belong to the family of Agelenidae, which is particularly known for its ability to weave large-scale funnel webs.

Giant house spiders will also create funnel webs, although they tend to be larger than the webs of hobo spiders. These webs are found in corners of your home and in other hidden areas of your house.

Hobo Spider vs Giant House Spider Differences

1. Size

First of all, the size. Giant house spiders are much larger than hobo spiders. They can reach sizes of up to 2 inches, while the hobo spider will rarely exceed the size of about ½ inch.

The giant house spider is one of the largest spiders found in our homes. It is much larger than the American house spider, for instance, which will only reach the size of about a quarter of an inch.

This is quite a significant difference between these two species, and the size will be one of the first things you’ll notice when you compare these two spiders. If you’re ever unsure whether you’re looking at a hobo spider or a giant house spider, make sure that you examine the size of the spider – if it’s quite large, then it’s probably a giant house spider.

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2. Color Contrasts

Both spiders have similar colors on their bodies, but if you look closer you’ll see that hobo spiders don’t have such distinct lines between their abdomen colors and the colors of their stripes.

On the other hand, the differences between their stripes and their color is much sharper on giant house spiders. They usually have darker stripes while the body color is more yellow.

Also, you might want to take a look at the legs. Not only will the legs of the giant house spider be longer than the legs of the hobo spider, but also, they will be much darker if you look at them.

This is another great way of telling the difference between a hobo spider vs a giant house spider.

3. Aggressiveness

Hobo spiders tend to be more aggressive towards other animals in their habitat. It also has a more powerful venom, so it is able to bring down animals that are larger than itself as well. However, hobo spiders will rarely attack humans on their own without provocation.

Giant house spiders, on the other hand, are a bit shyer than the hobo spider. It will shy away from humans and other species, especially if it feels as though it has no chance of winning against the animal it’s facing.

Which is More Venomous?

The hobo spider is more venomous than the giant house spider.

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The venom of the hobo spider will not cause life-threatening conditions, but it can be uncomfortable to be bitten by one. It can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and in the worst scenario, a hobo spider bite may cause skin necrosis.

If you’re suffering from a spider bite, please consult a medical professional. This website is for entertainment only. We’re not medical professionals and you shouldn’t use this site to try to identify or diagnose any spider or spider bite.

While a bite from the hobo spider may not be life-threatening, it’s certainly better to avoid getting bitten by this spider if you don’t want to suffer from those conditions.

On the other hand, the giant house spider is usually completely harmless to humans. It typically won’t bite humans in the first place, and it will only do so if it feels threatened. However, the bite is unlikely to result in any major health problems – perhaps only some itching and pain at the site of the bite.


Hobo spiders and giant house spiders are commonly mixed up. Many people confuse them because of their similar colors but also because their body shape is very similar. They both make funnel webs, which is another way they are similar. However, there are also some important differences that you should note.

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