Do Crocodiles Sleep?

Yes, crocodiles sleep. However, sleep is rather a shallow affair for crocodiles. They do not sleep like humans because they sleep intermittently.

When crocodiles sleep, they do it so lightly. Unlike humans, crocodiles do not enter R.E.M. sleep. As such, their sleep is so shallow that the tiniest of sounds can awaken them.

Do Crocodiles Sleep

Do crocodiles sleep on land?

Yes, crocodiles sleep on land. And when they do, they do it both night and day. Crocodiles, like all animals, need some time to rest.

Crocodiles do not have a favorite time to sleep, but they most often sleep during the day because they are mostly nocturnal animals. It is also during the day when they can bask and absorb the heat from the sun.

Related Article: What Sounds Do Crocodiles Make?

Do crocodiles sleep in water?

No, crocodiles do not sleep in the water. Crocodiles are not fish—they do not have gills. As such, they cannot breathe underwater.

When in the water, the crocodile is conscious. It goes underwater to seek food or hide from predators.While many people think that crocodiles sleep underwater, they don’t. Crocodiles cannot do it because they have lungs, and they need to breathe air.

Do crocodiles sleep with one eye open?

It is unknown, but it is generally accepted that crocodiles literally sleep with one eye open.It is not an uncommon phenomenon in the animal kingdom, as many other animals do the same.

This kind of sleep where the croc sleeps with one eye open is called unihemispheric sleep. It can only happen when one side of the brain is asleep. The other brain is awake. The open eye is the one that is connected to the awake brain.

Researchers conducted a study to observe the eye state of young crocs. Specifically, they studied saltwater crocodiles. The scientists measured the amount of time that the animals have both eyes closed and when one eye is closed.

They did this study in 24-hour increments. The findings were amazing. Crocodiles closed both eyes for about 17 hours per day.

From this study, they can say that crocodiles loveto keep both eyes either closed or open. They also observed that there isn’t much to look at, the crocodiles keep one eye closed and the other open.

There was an instance when they put a croc in a tank next to another tank. Both tanks had crocodiles. They found out that these crocs kept one eye closed but the other eye open to stare directly at the other croc in the other tank.

Then, the scientists used another stimulus. They used a human being on the other side of the glass tank. The result was that the crocodile opened the eye that could peek at the intruder. The other eye was closed.

Related Article: Can Crocodiles and Alligators Walk Backwards?

How long do crocodiles sleep?

Studies show that crocodiles keep both eyes closed for as long as 17 hours. The consensus is that since the eyes are closed, the crocodiles are asleep.

Technically, however, no one really knows how long crocodiles sleep. To determine sleep, scientists have tomeasure the brain waves of these animals. Scientists have to look for patterns in these brain waves, and it is something they have not yet done. 

Where do crocodiles like to sleep?

Crocodiles sleep on land by the riverbank. In captivity, they sleep a lot on land on concrete, in their cages. Some of them sleep with part of their body in the water.

If the weather is too hot, crocodiles will look for shade. Most dig a hole in the ground, which many people refer to as gator holes.

Do crocodiles sleep at night?

Yes, crocodiles also sleep at night. If their eyes are closed for as long as 17 hours, then they must be sleeping.

However, most crocodiles are typically nocturnal. They actively hunt at night. They have better vision in the dark, as their eyes have tapetum lucidum—the same thing that cats have.

Crocodiles hunt at night because they have an advantage. They have night vision, which they use to prowl, and then snag an unsuspecting prey.

Do crocodiles hibernate?

No, crocodiles do not hibernate. Instead, they aestivate.Alligators, on the other hand, brumate. They do this when the temperature is too hot or too cold.

Aestivation is a process where cold-blooded animals like crocs take up residence in areas close to wetlands. When it is cold, they go for long periods of rest, but they do not sleep the whole time.

During aestivation, the crocodile slows down its metabolism and other body processes. Aestivation is like hibernation, and the crocs do this during long periods of drought.

Brumation, on the other hand, happens when the temperature is too cold. Alligators do this but not crocs since most crocodiles in the world live in tropical regions.

When crocs and gators aestivate or brumate, they dig a hole in the riverbank. They stay here until the conditions are appropriate for them to come out.

This process is not hibernation because hibernation requires long sleep. Polar bears hibernate when the weather is extremely cold. On the other hand, crocodilians wake up from time to time. They get out of their den to bask under the sun or hunt for food when the conditions are right.

Do crocodiles sleep with their mouth open?

It depends. Some do, and some don’t. On crocodile farms, one can observe many of these crocs sleeping during the day. Some have their mouths open, and some don’t.

Crocodiles have their mouths open all the time for temperature regulation. They will overheat if they do not do this.

No, crocodiles are not like dogs, but there is similarity. Crocodiles are cold-blooded animals that cannot regulate body temperature.

Dogs, on the other hand, do not have sweat glands. Since dogs do not sweat like humans, they need another mechanism by which they can release heat.


Crocodiles do sleep. The general consensus is that they sleep 17 hours a day, but this is not scientifically proven. More studies are required because sleep is a complicated thing. One thing that scientists are sure about is that crocodiles do sleep. They are also sure that crocodiles have unihemispheric sleep patterns.

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