A newly surfaced heartwarming rescue shows a kitten found under a rock in a field. He was backing away and swiping at his rescuers, refusing help. Clearly, he’d been exposed to some scary things out in the wild!
Fortunately, his very gentle rescuers knew what to do.
After extracting the kitty, he was nursed to health and nurtured by his new owners.
Rescuer Hailed for their Compassion
Commenters under the video were full of praise for the rescuer. One noted how the kitten came to know he was being cared for:
You could tell this little kitty knew it was being cared for. So sweet as he was getting settled into the furry pillow and looked so tired, but looked around in all directions to make sure he was safe before finally closing his eyes and letting himself drift off to sleep. Thanks to all who rescue our dear animals.
Check out this amazing video below.
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