43 Birds with Talons (A to Z List with Pictures)

Birds with Talons

Examples of birds with talons include eagles, kites, vultures, osprey, and hawks.

Birds of prey, also known as raptors, are a group of birds that are characterized by their sharp talons and powerful beaks. These birds are at the top of the food chain, and they play an important role in the animal kingdom.

There are many different species of raptors, and each one has its own unique characteristics. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the most common types of birds with talons. We will discuss their habitat, diet, and behavior.

Examples of Birds with Talons

1. African Fish Eagle

Scientific NameHaliaeetus vocifer
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesub-Saharan Africa

The African fish eagle is a large bird of prey that is found in Sub-Saharan Africa. This raptor has a wingspan of up to 7 feet, and it typically weighs between 4 and 8 pounds. The African fish eagle is a predator, and its diet consists mainly of fish. However, this bird will also eat reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals.

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2. American Kestrel

Scientific NameFalco sparverius
Type of AnimalBird
Rangethroughout the Western Hemisphere from Alaska and Canada to southernmost South America

The American kestrel (Falco sparverius) is a small falcon that is native to North America. These birds are about the size of a blue jay, and they have long, pointed wings. Their plumage is typically orange and white, with black streaks on the wings.

Kestrels can be found in open habitats such as grasslands, deserts, and agricultural fields. These birds hunt small mammals, reptiles, and insects. Kestrels are the most common type of bird of prey in North America.

3. Andean Condor

Scientific NameVultur gryphus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangemuch of the Andes Mountain range along the Pacific coast region of western South America

The Andean condor is the largest flying bird in the world. These massive birds have a wingspan of up to 3 meters (10 feet), and they can weigh up to 15 kg (33 lbs). Andean condors are found in the mountains of South America, and they typically live at altitudes between 2,000 and 4,000 meters (6,500 and 13,000 feet).

Andean condors are scavengers, and they primarily feed on the carcasses of dead animals. These birds are also known to eat reptiles, rodents, and even small mammals.

4. Australian Raven

Scientific NameCorvus coronoides
Type of AnimalBird
Rangemuch of southern and northeastern Australia

The Australian raven is a large bird of prey that is found in Australia and New Guinea. These birds are black with a white throat, and they have a wingspan of up to four feet.

Australian ravens are omnivorous, and they will eat just about anything they can find. These birds are known to be aggressive, and they will often attack other animals, including humans.

5. Bald Eagle

Scientific NameHaliaeetus leucocephalus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeCanada and Alaska, all of the contiguous United States, and northern Mexico

The bald eagle is a large bird of prey that is native to North America. These birds are most commonly found near bodies of water, such as lakes and rivers. Bald eagles typically eat fish, but they will also hunt other animals, such as rabbits and squirrels.

Bald eagles are known for their impressive hunting skills. They have sharp talons and beaks that they use to kill their prey. These birds are also known for their powerful wings, which allow them to soar through the air at high speeds.

6. Barbary Falcon

Scientific NameFalco pelegrinoides
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth and East Africa (Algeria, the Canary Islands, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Somalia and Tunisia)

The Barbary Falcon is a small raptor that is found in the deserts of North Africa. These birds are known for their aggressive nature, and they are often used in falconry.

The Barbary Falcon has a wingspan of about 3 feet, and it weighs between 1 and 2 pounds. These birds are brown and white, with a black stripe running down their back.

Their diet consists mostly of small mammals, such as rodents and lizards. However, they will also eat birds, snakes, and insects.

7. Barn Owl

Scientific NameTyto alba
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth America, South America, Europe, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia

The barn owl is a type of raptor that is found in many different parts of the world. These birds are nocturnal, and they prefer to live in areas with plenty of trees. Barn owls have long, sharp talons that they use to catch their prey. Their diet consists primarily of small mammals, such as mice and voles.

8. Barred Owl

Scientific NameStrix varia
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesouthwestern Canada, Washington, Oregon and northern California

The barred owl is a medium-sized owl that is found in North America. These owls are nocturnal, and they prefer to live in forests. Barred owls hunt small mammals, such as mice and voles.

9. Bearded Vulture

Scientific NameGypaetus barbatus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangealmost all mountain ranges of southern Europe and the Alps

The Bearded Vulture is a large raptor that can be found in the mountains of Europe, Asia, and Africa. These birds have brown and white feathers, and they are easily recognizable by their long necks and red beaks. Bearded Vultures feed on carrion, and they often use their powerful beaks to crack open bone.

10. Black Eagle

Scientific NameIctinaetus malaiensis
Type of AnimalBird
Rangetropical and subtropical Asia

The black eagle is a large bird of prey that can be found in Africa, Europe, and Asia. These birds are mainly scavengers, and they feed on carrion. Black eagles typically nest in trees, and they often hunt in pairs.

11. Black Kite

Scientific NameMilvus migrans
Type of AnimalBird
Rangetropical portions of Australasia, Eurasia, and Africa

The black kite (Milvus migrans) is a medium-sized bird of prey that is found in many parts of the world. This raptor has a wingspan of about four feet, and it typically weighs between two and four pounds.

The black kite is a scavenger, and it feeds on small mammals, reptiles, and carrion. This bird is often seen hovering over open areas in search of food.

12. Black Vulture

Scientific NameCoragyps atratus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangefrom the northeastern United States to Peru, Central Chile and Uruguay in South America

The Black Vulture is a large bird of prey that is found in the Americas. These birds have black plumage, and their head is bald. They are scavengers, and they often feed on the carcasses of animals.

13. Booted Eagle

Scientific NameHieraaetus pennatus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangethe Palearctic and southern Asia, wintering in the tropics of Africa and Asia, with a small, disjunct breeding population in south-western Africa

The booted eagle is a large bird of prey that is found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. This raptor has a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters (8 feet), and it typically preys on small mammals and Birds.

14. Common Buzzard

Scientific NameButeo buteo
Type of AnimalBird
RangeScandinavia south to the Mediterranean

The common buzzard is a large bird of prey that can be found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. These birds are most commonly found in woodlands and forest edges. They have a wingspan of up to 2 meters, and they weigh between 1-2 kg.

Common buzzards typically eat rodents, rabbits, snakes, and lizards. However, they will also eat birds, eggs, and carrion.

15. Crowned Eagle

Scientific NameStephanoaetus coronatus
Type of AnimalBird

The crowned eagle is a large bird of prey that is found in Africa. These birds have brown and white plumage, and they are known for their powerful talons. Crowned eagles typically live in forests, and they hunt small mammals, reptiles, and birds.

16. Eastern Screech Owl

Scientific NameMegascops asio
Type of AnimalBird
Rangeeast of the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic

The Eastern Screech Owl is a small owl that is found in the eastern United States. These owls have gray or brown plumage, and they are known for their distinctive “screech” call.

Screech owls typically live in forests, and they hunt small mammals such as mice and voles. These owls are nocturnal, and they roost during the day.

17. Egyptian Vulture

Scientific NameNeophron percnopterus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeSouthern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and India

The Egyptian vulture is a large bird of prey that is found in Africa and Asia. These birds have a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters, and they weigh between 4 and 6 kilograms. Egyptian vultures are mostly scavengers, and they feed on carrion.

These birds make their nests in trees, and they typically lay two eggs. Egyptian vultures are not considered to be endangered, but their numbers are declining.

18. Forest Raven

Scientific NameCorvus tasmanicus
Type of AnimalBird

The forest Raven is a large bird of prey that is found in forests around the world. These Birds are black in color, and they have a wingspan of up to four feet. Forest Ravens are known for their loud calls, and they are often seen swooping down on their prey and grabbing it using their sharp talons.

19. Golden Eagle

Scientific NameAquila chrysaetos
Type of AnimalBird
RangeMexico through much of western North America as far north as Alaska

The golden eagle is one of the largest and most powerful birds of prey. They are found in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. These eagles have a wingspan of up to 7 feet, and they can weigh up to 15 pounds. Golden eagles typically live in mountainous regions, where they hunt for small mammals such as rabbits and squirrels.

20. Great Horned Owl

Scientific NameBubo virginianus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangepractically all habitats in North America

The great horned owl is a large bird of prey that is found in North and South America. These owls are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. Great horned owls have sharp talons and beaks that they use to hunt small animals such as rodents and birds.

21. Grey Falcon

Scientific NameFalco hypoleucos
Type of AnimalBird

The grey falcon is a large bird of prey that is found in the deserts of North America. These birds have long, powerful legs, and they are equipped with sharp talons. Their diet consists mostly of small mammals, such as mice and rabbits.

22. Griffon Vulture

Scientific NameGyps fulvus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeSenegal, Gambia and Mali in the west, to Sudan, South Sudan and Ethiopia in the east

The griffon vulture is a large bird of prey that can be found in Africa, southern Europe, and Asia. These birds have a wingspan of up to 3 meters (9.8 feet), and they weigh between 4 and 5 kilograms (8.8-11 pounds). Griffon vultures are scavengers, and they feed on the carcasses of dead animals.

23. Gyrfalcon

Scientific NameFalco rusticolus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangearctic tundra

The gyrfalcon is the largest member of the falcon family. These birds are native to the arctic regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. Gyrfalcons are apex predators, and they primarily prey on other birds.

Gyrfalcons have long, pointed wings, and they are able to reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour when they are in flight. These birds typically mate for life, and they build their nests on cliffs or in trees.

24. Harpy Eagle

Scientific NameHarpia harpyja
Type of AnimalBird
RangeSouth America, in countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, and northeast Argentina

The Harpy Eagle is a large bird of prey that is found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. This raptor has a wingspan of up to 7 feet, and it can weigh up to 20 pounds. The Harpy Eagle preys on small mammals, reptiles, and birds. It uses its powerful talons to kill its prey.

25. Indian Vulture

Scientific NameGyps indicus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesoutheastern Pakistan and India

The Indian vulture is a large bird of prey that is found in the Indian subcontinent. These birds have a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters, and they weigh between 4 and 8 kg. Indian vultures are scavengers, and they feed on the carcasses of dead animals.

26. King Vulture

Scientific NameSarcoramphus papa
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesouthern Mexico to southern Argentina

The king vulture is a large bird of prey that is found in the tropical regions of the Americas. These birds have black plumage with white patches on their wings and tail. They are scavengers, and they primarily feed on carrion.

27. Long-Eared Owl

Scientific NameAsio otus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth and East Africa, the Azores, and the Canary Islands

The long-eared owl is a type of raptor that is found in wooded areas across the Northern Hemisphere. These owls get their name from their long ear tufts, which are actually feathers. Long-eared owls are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night. During the day, these birds roost in trees.

28. Martial Eagle

Scientific NamePolemaetus bellicosus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesub-Saharan Africa

The Martial Eagle is a large bird of prey that is found in Africa. This eagle has a wingspan of up to 7 feet, and it can weigh up to 15 pounds. The Martial Eagle is a top predator, and it feeds on small mammals, reptiles, and birds.

29. Merlin

Scientific NameFalco columbarius
Type of AnimalBird
Rangeforested openings, edges, and along rivers across northern North America

The merlin is a small bird of prey that is found in the northern hemisphere. These birds are known for their dark plumage and their long, pointed tails. Merlins typically live in open areas such as grasslands, meadows, and forests. They hunt small animals such as rodents, reptiles, and insects using their talons.

30. Northern Goshawk

Scientific NameAccipiter gentilis
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth America, Europe, northwestern Africa, continental Asia, and Japan

The Northern Goshawk is a large bird of prey that can be found in wooded areas across the Northern Hemisphere. These birds are very powerful, and they have been known to kill animals as large as deer.

Goshawks typically nest in trees, and they build their nests out of sticks and twigs. These birds hunt by perching in trees and waiting for their prey to come within range. Once they spot an animal, they will swoop down and grab it with their sharp talons.

More Examples Of Birds With Talons

  • Osprey
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Prairie Falcon
  • Red Kite
  • Red-Backed Hawk
  • Red-Tailed Hawk
  • Saker Falcon
  • Snowy Owl
  • Steppe Eagle
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Wedge-Tailed Eagle
  • White-Necked Raven
  • White-Tailed Eagle


Birds of prey have some of the most impressive hunting skills in the animal kingdom. These birds are known for their sharp talons and beaks, which they use to kill their prey. Birds of prey also have powerful wings, which allow them to soar through the air at high speeds.

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