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What Eats Algae? (28 Animals with Pictures)

Animals that eat algae include crabs, shrimps, snails, humans, and fish.

Algae are a type of plant that can be found in both freshwater and saltwater environments. Algae can be eaten by a variety of animals, including fish, amphibians, and invertebrates. Some algae are also eaten by humans.

Algae are a good source of nutrients for animals, and they can provide important vitamins and minerals. Algae can also be a source of energy for animals. Some animals, such as fish, eat algae directly from the water. Other animals, such as amphibians and invertebrates, eat algae that have been collected and processed by other animals.

What Eats Algae

Examples of Animals that Eat Algae

1. Amano Shrimp

Scientific NameCaridina multidentata
Type of AnimalCrustaceans
RangeJapan, China, and Taiwan

The Amano shrimp is a type of freshwater shrimp that is often used in aquariums. These shrimp eat algae and other types of plant life. Amano shrimp are popular for their ability to keep aquariums clean and free of algae.

2. Anemone Carrying Hermit Crab

Scientific NameDardanus tinctor
Type of AnimalCrustaceans
RangeRed Sea

The anemone carrying hermit crab is a type of hermit crab that lives in the ocean. These crabs often attach themselves to sea anemones, and they use the anemones to camouflage themselves from predators. Anemone carrying hermit crabs eat algae and other types of plant life.

3. Arrow Crab

Scientific NameStenorhynchus seticornis
Type of AnimalCrustaceans
RangeNorth Carolina, Bermuda, Brazil and the Caribbean

The arrow crab is a type of crab that lives in the ocean. These crabs often live in colonies and eat algae and other types of plant life for a source of nutrition. Arrow crabs are named for their distinctive arrow-shaped claws.

4. Bamboo Shrimp

Scientific NameAtyopsis moluccensis
Type of AnimalCrustaceans
RangeSoutheast Asia, Sri Lanka, Okinawa, Malaysia, and Thailand

Bamboo shrimp is a type of shrimp that is found in freshwater environments. This shrimp eats algae and other small invertebrates and algae form a big part of their diet. Bamboo shrimp is a popular food item in Asia, and it is also used as a baitfish.

5. Bristlenose Plecostomus

Scientific NameAncistrus dolichopterus
Type of AnimalFish
RangeCentral and South America

Bristlenose Plecostomus is a type of fish that is found in freshwater environments. These fish eat algae from the water, and they are known to be very efficient algae eaters.

6. Bumblebee Snails

Scientific NameEngina mendicaria
Type of AnimalGastropod
RangeAll aquatic regions

Bumblebee snails are a type of snail that eats algae. They are small snails, and they can be found in many different types of water. Bumblebee snails eat algae from the water surface, and they also eat the algae that are attached to other objects in the water. Bumblebee snails have a hard shell that helps protect them from predators.

7. Cherry Shrimp

Scientific NameNeocaridina davidi
Type of AnimalCrustaceans
RangeEastern China, Taiwan, Japan, and Hawaii

Cherry shrimp are a type of shrimp that eats algae. They are small shrimp, and they can be found in many different types of water. Cherry shrimp eat algae from the water surface, and they also eat the algae that are attached to other objects in the water.

8. Chinese Algae Eater

Scientific NameGyrinocheilus aymonieri
Type of AnimalFish
Range Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand

The Chinese algae eater is a fish that is native to China. This fish is a popular aquarium fish, and it is often used to eat algae. The Chinese algae eater is a small fish, and it typically grows to be between two and four inches long. This fish has a brown body with black markings, and it has a long, slim tail. The Chinese algae eater is an omnivores fish, and it primarily eats small invertebrates and algae. This fish is a popular aquarium fish because it is easy to care for, and it is known for its ability to eat algae.

9. Decorator Spider Crabs

Scientific NameMajoidea
Type of AnimalCrustacean
RangeAustralia in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and Western Australia

The decorator spider crab is a type of crab that eats algae. This crab can be found in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The decorator spider crab gets its name from the way it decorates its shell. This crab attaches pieces of algae and other objects to its shell to camouflage itself from predators.

10. Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab

Scientific NameClianarius tricolori
Type of AnimalCrustacean
RangeTropical western Atlantic Ocean

The dwarf blue leg hermit crab is a small crustacean that lives in coral reefs. This crab typically eats algae, as well as other small invertebrates. The dwarf blue leg hermit crab has been known to eat sponges and other organisms that are toxic to other animals.

11. Dwarf Red Tip Hermit Crab

Scientific NameClibanarius sp
Type of AnimalCrustacean

The dwarf red tip hermit crab is a small crustacean that is found in the Indo-Pacific region. This crab eats algae as part of its diet. It typically eats algae that grow on rocks and coral reefs. The dwarf red tip hermit crab is a popular aquarium pet because it is easy to care for and does not require a lot of room.

12. Electric Blue Hermit Crab

Scientific NameCalcinus elegans
Type of AnimalCrustacean
RangeIntertidal zones

The electric blue hermit crab is a type of crab that often eats algae. This crab can be found in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The electric blue hermit crab feeds on algae that grow on the surfaces of rocks and coral. This crab also scavenges for food on the ocean floor.

13. Florida Flag Fish

Scientific NameJordanella floridae
Type of AnimalFish
RangeFlorida Peninsula

The Florida flag fish is a type of fish that lives in the waters near Florida. This fish eats algae as part of its diet. The Florida flag fish is a small fish, and it typically grows to be about six inches long. This fish has a blue body with a yellow stripe running down its side.

14. Ghost Shrimp

Scientific NamePalaemonetes paludosus
Type of AnimalCrustacean
RangeNorth America and Southeastern of US

Ghost shrimp are a type of crustacean that eat algae. They are often found in shallow, brackish water habitats where they can find plenty of algae to eat. Ghost shrimp have a long, cylindrical body and a segmented tail.

They have two pairs of antennae, and their eyes are located on the top of their head. Ghost shrimp use their antennae to feel around for food, and they use their eyes to see in the dark. Ghost shrimp are a popular food item for humans, and they are also used as bait for fishing.

15. Halloween Hermit Crab

Scientific NameCiliopagurus strigatus
Type of AnimalCrustacean
RangeCoral substrates in the ocean

The Halloween hermit crab is a type of hermit crab that lives in the waters near the United States. This crab is named for its orange and black shell, which it uses to protect itself from predators. The Halloween hermit crab is a scavenger, and it eats a variety of things, including algae. This crab typically feeds on the algae that grow on rocks and coral reefs. It also eats other types of marine plants, as well as small animals.

16. Hawaiian Zebra Hermit Crab

Scientific NameCalcinus laevimanus
Type of AnimalCrustacean
RangeIndo-West Pacific region

The Hawaiian Zebra Hermit Crab is a type of crab that lives in the waters around Hawaii. This crab scavenges for food on the ocean floor, and it often eats algae. The Hawaiian Zebra Hermit Crab can also eat other types of food, such as worms and small fish.

17. Hillstream Loach

Scientific NameBalitoridae
Type of AnimalFish

The Hillstream Loach is a type of fish that eats algae. This fish is native to Asia, and it lives in fast-flowing streams and rivers. The Hillstream Loach is a carnivore, and it feeds on small insects and other invertebrates.

However, the Hillstream Loach will also eat algae as part of its diet. Algae is a good source of nutrients for this fish, and it provides important vitamins and minerals. Algae can also be a source of energy for the Hillstream Loach.

18. Malaysian Trumpet Snail

Scientific NameMelanoides tuberculata
Type of AnimalGastropod
RangeNorthern and Southern Africa

The Malaysian trumpet snail is a species of snail that lives in Southeast Asia. This snail eats algae as part of its diet. The Malaysian trumpet snail can be found in freshwater habitats, such as rivers and streams. This snail is a predator, and it hunts for food by scavenging on the bottom of the waterway.

The Malaysian trumpet snail is a carnivore, and it eats small fish, insects, and other invertebrates. This snail also eats algae. Algae can provide the Malaysian trumpet snail with important nutrients, such as proteins and minerals.

19. Mollies

Scientific NamePoecilia sphenops
Type of AnimalFish
RangeMexico and Colombia

Mollies are a type of fish that often eat algae. They are omnivorous, which means that they eat both plants and animals. Mollies usually eat algae that are found in the water where they live. However, if there are not enough algae available, they will also eat other types of food, such as insects and other small fish. Mollies are typically black or silver in color, and they can grow up to six inches long.

20. Mystery Apple Snail

Scientific NamePomacea bridgesii
Type of AnimalGastropod
RangeSouth America

The mystery apple snail is a type of freshwater snail that eats algae. This snail can be found in many parts of the world, including North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. The mystery apple snail is a popular pet due to its colorful shell and its ability to eat algae.

Read Also: Can Apple Snail be Yellow?

21. Nerite Snail

Scientific NameNerita
Type of AnimalGastropod
RangeKenya, Mozambique, Somalia, South Africa, and Tanzania

The nerite snail is a small, freshwater snail that eats algae. This snail is found in ponds and other slow-moving water bodies. It has a brown shell and a black body. Nerite snails are known for their voracious appetite for algae. They can consume large amounts of algae in a short amount of time.

22. Otocinclus Catfish

Scientific NameOtocinclus
Type of AnimalFish
RangeSouth America

The Otocinclus catfish is a small fish that often eats algae. This fish is native to South America, and it can be found in freshwater habitats such as streams and rivers. The Otocinclus catfish is a popular aquarium fish, and it is often used to control the growth of algae in home aquariums.

This fish is a scavenger, and it will eat any type of algae that is available. The Otocinclus catfish also eats other types of food, such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.

23. Rabbit Snail

Scientific NameTylomelania
Type of AnimalGastropod
RangeSulawesi, Indonesia

The rabbit snail is a small, brown snail that often feeds on algae. This snail can be found in freshwater habitats, such as ponds and streams. The rabbit snail eats the algae off of rocks and other surfaces in the water. It also eats the algae from the water’s surface. This snail is able to digest the algae quickly, and it can store the algae in its gut for later use. The rabbit snail is a common prey item for many predators, such as fish and birds.

24. Ramshorn Snail

Scientific NamePlanorbarius corneus
Type of AnimalGastropod
RangeNorthern arctic Canada and Alaska and Florida

Ramshorn snails are a type of freshwater snail that often feeds on algae. These snails can be found in ponds, rivers, and lakes. They tend to prefer habitats with plenty of vegetation, which provides them with a source of food. Ramshorn snails can grow up to 2 inches in size, and they can live for up to 5 years.

25. Siamese Algae Eater

Scientific NameCrossocheilus oblongus
Type of AnimalFish
RangeSoutheast Asia

The Siamese algae eater is a fish that often eats algae as part of its diet. This fish can be found in Southeast Asia and parts of India. The Siamese algae eater is a small fish, and it typically grows to be about six inches long. This fish has a green body with black markings, and it is a popular aquarium fish.

The Siamese algae eater feeds on a variety of plants, including algae. This fish typically eats algae that are found on the surface of the water, but it can also eat algae that are located at the bottom of the tank.

26. Spotted Porcelain Crab

Scientific NameNeopetrolisthes maculatus
Type of AnimalCrustacean
RangeOceans and seas

The spotted porcelain crab is a small crab that lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. This crab eats algae as part of its diet. The spotted porcelain crab gets most of the nutrients it needs from the algae it eats. This crab also consumes other types of food, such as marine worms and small crustaceans.

27. Twig Catfish

Scientific NameFarlowella acus
Type of AnimalFish
RangeSouth America

The Twig Catfish is a fish that eats algae. It is found in the Amazon River and its tributaries. This fish is small, and it typically grows to be about 4 inches long. The Twig Catfish has a long, thin body, and it has a brownish-gray color. This fish feeds mainly on algae, but it also eats small invertebrates.

28. Whiptail Catfish

Scientific NameDasyloricaria filamentosa
Type of AnimalFish
RangeParaguay River Basins of South America

The whiptail catfish is a fish that often eats algae. This fish can be found in rivers and streams throughout the United States. The whiptail catfish is a predatory fish, meaning that it hunts and eats other animals. This fish typically eats small insects and other invertebrates, but it will also eat algae if it is available.


Algae can be found in many different types of water, and it is an important part of the diet for a variety of animals. Fish, shrimp, crabs, turtles, and other creatures all eat algae as a source of nutrients.

Algae is also used as food for some pets, such as betta fish. In addition to being a food source, algae can also be used to help clean up water. It helps to remove toxins and other pollutants from the water, making it safer for animals and plants to live in.

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