Examples of animals that make hissing sounds include geese, snakes, alligators, bobcats, lions, and tigers.
There are many animals that make a hissing sound. The hiss is used as a form of communication, defense, and self-defense.
It’s also used to scare off predators and prey alike. Take the snake for example – it uses its hiss to warn other animals of its presence before striking them with venomous fangs.
Examples of Animals that make Hissing Sounds
1. African Geese
Scientific Name | Anser anser domesticus |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar |
Diet | Herbivore |
African Geese use their hiss as a warning to predators. If they feel threatened, they will start honking and hissing until the danger goes away.
2. African Rock Python
Scientific Name | Python sebae |
Type of Animal | Reptile |
Range | sub-Saharan Africa |
Diet | Carnivore |
The African Rock Python is a large, non-venomous snake that can be found throughout Africa. This python uses its hiss to communicate with other snakes, as well as intimidate predators and prey.
3. Alligator
Scientific Name | Alligator |
Type of Animal | Reptile |
Range | The United States |
Diet | Carnivore |
The alligator is also one of the animals that makes a hissing sound. They are very territorial, so they will often use their hiss to scare off other animals that might try to encroach on their space.
4. Ball Python
Scientific Name | Python regius |
Type of Animal | Reptile |
Range | Sub Saharan Africa |
Diet | Carnivore |
The ball python is a non-venomous snake that inhabits Africa, Asia, and North America. This particular species of python is known for its ability to curl up into a tight ball when threatened.
Ball pythons can reach lengths of up to six feet but are typically smaller than that. They have smooth scales and rely on their camouflage to avoid detection.
Ball pythons are usually a light brown or tan color, but can also be black, green, or white.
5. Black Swan
Scientific Name | Cygnus atratus |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | Australia |
Diet | Omnivore |
The black swan is a large, black water bird that lives in wetlands and other aquatic habitats. They are known for their beautiful plumage and for making a loud hissing sound when they’re alarmed or threatened.
The black swan’s hiss is so loud, it can be heard up to half a mile away
6. Bobcat
Scientific Name | Lynx rufus |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | Canada, down through the USA to northern Mexico |
Diet | Carnivore |
7The bobcat is a North American predator that can be found in many different habitats, including forests, deserts, and swamps.
This cat has both short fur and long hair, which helps it to adapt to different climates. Bobcats are known for their distinct “mew” call, as well as their ability to make a hissing sound.
They can also be found making a “spitting” sound when agitated and growling in order to defend themselves from other predators or hunters.
7. Borneo Python
Scientific Name | Python breitensteini |
Type of Animal | Reptile |
Range | Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia |
Diet | Carnivore |
There are many animals that make a hissing sound. The hiss is used as a form of communication, defense, and self-defense.
It’s also used to scare off predators and prey alike. Take the snake for example – it uses its hiss to warn other animals of its presence before striking them.
8. Burmese Python
Scientific Name | Python bivittatus |
Type of Animal | Reptile |
Range | Asia |
Diet | Carnivore |
The Burmese Python is a large, non-venomous snake found in Southeast Asia. This python can grow up to 23 feet long and weigh 200 pounds.
Despite its size, the Burmese Python is shy and docile and rarely strikes humans. However, if threatened, this python will hiss loudly to scare off predators.
9. Cats
Scientific Name | Felis catus |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | Wolrdwide |
Diet | Carnivore |
Cats will often hiss when they’re angry or scared. This noise is usually accompanied by a furrowed brow and outstretched claws. The sound can be quite intimidating, but it’s just a way for the cat to communicate its feelings.
10. Cheetah
Scientific Name | Acinonyx jubatus |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | Africa |
Diet | Carnivore |
The cheetah is a carnivorous mammal. It makes hissing sounds when it’s in an aggressive state or when they feel threatened by other animals.
11. Chinese Goose
Scientific Name | Anser cygnoides |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | inland Mongolia, northernmost China, and the Russian Far East |
Diet | Omnivore |
The Chinese Goose is a non-migratory goose breed that originates from China. They make a hissing sound when threatened, and they can be easily domesticated if handled with the proper care.
The most common diseases associated with these geese are tuberculosis and avian influenza.
12. Cobra
Scientific Name | Naja naja |
Type of Animal | Reptile |
Range | southern Africa through southern Asia |
Diet | Carnivore |
The cobra is a venomous snake found in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. It’s known for its trademark hissing sound that it makes when it feels threatened.
The noise is created by exhaling air through the nostrils while simultaneously flaring out the Cobra’s hood.
13. Cockroach
Scientific Name | Blattodea |
Type of Animal | Insect |
Range | Worldwide |
Diet | Omnivore |
The cockroach emits a high-pitched warning noise through its spiracles, using muscles that surround its body cavity. The hiss is produced at a volume of 80 decibels, which may be audible to the human ear.
14. Coscoroba Swan
Scientific Name | Coscoroba coscoroba |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | southern Chile and central Argentina |
Diet | Omnivore |
The Coscoroba Swan is a small white swan that lives in South America. It’s the only species of a swan that can fly and dive underwater.
What makes this swan unique, however, is its ability to hiss.
15. Cougar
Scientific Name | Puma concolor |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | Canada south to Patagonia |
Diet | Carnivore |
The cougar is another animal that uses its hiss to communicate with other animals. It’s most common when the mother is around her cubs, though it can also be used in territorial disputes or during mating season.
16. Crocodile
Scientific Name | Crocodylidae |
Type of Animal | Reptile |
Range | Africa South of the Sahara, Madagascar, India |
Diet | Carnivore |
The crocodile is a fearsome animal that can be found in many parts of the world. These animals are known for their hissing sound, which they use to communicate with each other and intimidate predators and prey.
17. Jaguars
Scientific Name | Panthera onca |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | Amazon of South America |
Diet | Carnivore |
The jaguar is a large, feline predator that makes a deep-throated hiss when it feels threatened.
The sound can travel up to 200 feet in distance and warns other animals of its presence so they should stay away from the jaguar’s territory.
This warning also prevents prey from being close enough for the jaguar to attack.
18. Leopards
Scientific Name | Panthera pardus |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | southern Africa |
Diet | Carnivore |
Leopards hiss when they’re angry or threatened. And even cats will sometimes hiss when they feel like they’re in danger.
19. Lions
Scientific Name | Panthera leo |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | southern Africa |
Diet | Carnivore |
Lions hiss to communicate with each other, usually when they are about to attack their prey. They will also hiss at humans who get too close to them.
20. Mountain Lion
Scientific Name | Puma concolor |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | United States |
Diet | Carnivore |
The mountain lion makes a hissing sound when it is hungry or hunting prey. It may also make this noise to scare off other animals that are in its territory.
The puma will do anything to avoid danger, so it uses the hiss as an animal deterrent before fleeing and protecting itself from harm’s way.
21. Opossum
Scientific Name | Didelphidae |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | the United States, Mexico, Central America, South America, and Canada |
Diet | Omnivore |
Opossum hisses when it’s threatened. If an opossum feels threatened, it may hiss and bare its teeth as a warning to the attacker.
22. Ostriches
Scientific Name | Struthio camelus |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | Africa |
Diet | Herbivore |
Ostriches also use a hiss as part of their defense mechanism. When threatened, they will puff out their feathers and hiss at the attacker in an attempt to scare them away.
23. Pilgrim Goose
Scientific Name | Anser anser |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | UK, America, Australia |
Diet | Omnivore |
The Pilgrim Goose is a large North American bird that makes a hissing sound when it’s threatened or angry.
The noise comes from the goose’s esophagus, and it can be quite loud. When two geese are fighting, they will often hiss at each other as a way of asserting dominance.
24. Possum
Scientific Name | Didelphidae |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | United States, Mexico, Central America, South America and Canada |
Diet | Omnivore |
The possum is a small, nocturnal marsupial that can be found in North and South America. It’s known for its ability to play dead when it feels threatened.
Possums also make a hissing sound as part of their defense mechanism.
25. Rabbit
Scientific Name | Oryctolagus cuniculus |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | Worldwide |
Diet | Herbivore |
The rabbit is known for its high-pitched alarm call, which sounds a lot like a hiss. This sound is used to warn other rabbits of danger and can also be heard by predators lurking in the area.
When threatened, the rabbit will also stamp its feet and thump its tail against the ground to make itself look bigger and more intimidating.
26. Raccoon
Scientific Name | Procyon lotor |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | North America |
Diet | Omnivore |
The raccoon is a nocturnal mammal that lives in North America. It’s known for its black mask-like markings around its eyes and bushy tail.
Raccoons are scavengers and will eat just about anything – from insects to fruits and vegetables. They also like to rummage through trash cans for food.
27. Rook
Scientific Name | Corvus frugilegus |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | the Palearctic |
Diet | Carnivore |
Rook birds also use a hissing sound as part of their territorial defense. They will fly into the air and make a loud, shrill noise to scare away other birds that might be trying to take over their nesting territory.
28. Snowy Owl
Scientific Name | Bubo scandiacus |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | North Pole |
Diet | Carnivore |
The snowy owl is a bird of prey native to Arctic regions in North America and Eurasia. The sound it makes varies depending on its age, size, health conditions, or level of excitement.
29. Spotted Owl
Scientific Name | Strix occidentalis |
Type of Animal | Bird |
Range | northwestern California, western Oregon |
Diet | Carnivore |
The spotted owl is a nocturnal bird that inhabits the forests of North America. It’s known for its distinctive hooting call, which can be heard during the night hours.
The owl also makes a hissing sound when it’s threatened or agitated. This usually happens when a predator or potential threat is near.
30. Spiders
Scientific Name | Araneae |
Type of Animal | Insect |
Range | Worldwide |
Diet | Carnivore |
Spiders also use their hissing noise to ward off predators. When threatened, a spider will curl up its legs, raise its body off the ground, and vibrate its web.
This creates an intimidating hissing noise that usually scares away potential threats.
31. Tigers
Scientific Name | Panthera tigris |
Type of Animal | Mammal |
Range | Southwest Asia |
Diet | Carnivore |
Tigers also use their hiss as a warning to other animals. When tigers roar, they also sometimes give a little hiss at the end of it.
This is thought to be a way of warning any other tigers in the area that this tiger means business and isn’t afraid to fight.
Hi, I’m Garreth. Living in South Africa I’ve had the pleasure of seeing most of these animals up close and personal. When I was younger I always wanted to be a game ranger but unfortunately, life happens and now at least I get to write about them and tell you my experiences.