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Do Deer Make Noises? (7 Sounds Deer Make Explained)

Deer do not bark or growl like many predators. However, they do make several sounds. Noises associated with deer include bleating, crying, grunting, sniffing, snorting, stomping, and wheezing.

Humans have studied deer for many years and have been able to distinguish between the different sounds deer make. This is especially helpful to hunters, who can tell when a deer is anxious or scared and adjust their behavior accordingly.

Game wardens also use deer sounds to determine the type of situation the deer is. A good example is that trapped deer make a high pitch shrill sound that is similar to human screams because of the pain.

Do Deer Make Noises

The wardens can then pinpoint the deer’s location and help it out.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the sounds deer can make and what they mean, including some more unusual sounds like snorting and stomping.

What Sound Does a Deer Make when Scared? (Sniffing, Snorting and Stomping)

Deer make sniffing or snorting noises when they are scared. They may also stomp their legs on the ground to make a stomping noise, which alerts the rest of the herd that there may be danger nearby.

Deer are herd animals. Over the years they have come up with ways to warn each other of approaching danger. When deer are spooked by something or when they sense approaching danger they start by making sniffing sounds.

By sniffing the deer tries to get a better scent of what is around them. Deer have very acute senses. Their sense of smell is considered nearly as good as a dog’s.

This strong sense of smell helps deer find food and detect approaching predators. This makes it difficult to sneak up on deer.

By sniffing, the deer gets the attention of the rest of the herd. This puts the rest of the deer on edge and causes them to stay alert to any signs of movement or danger. 

Deer are also known to stomp when alerted. A stomping deer means that the deer is alert to something around it but is unsure of whether it poses a danger or not. Stomping alerts the rest of the herd too. 

Deer are also known to snort when scared. Research shows that by snorting, deer are almost sure that there is danger around. Snorting alerts the rest of the herd to be ready to make a quick getaway. 

Snorting is especially disheartening to hunters this means that whatever methods they had used to disguise themselves have failed and the deer are aware of their presence. 

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What Sounds do Bucks Make?

Bucks make a lot of noise, especially during rutting. They make loud grunting and wheezing noises to establish dominance among other bucks and to win over a mate.

During rutting, bucks make loud, short grunts to establish their dominance. The short deep grunts mean that the deer is claiming a certain territory and it is ready to fight for it. This is to intimidate other bucks into leaving the territory. 

Hunters have been known to imitate buck grunts while hunting. This is because the sound attracts other bucks who answer the call in an effort to claim their territory. 

In addition to territorial grunts, bucks show their aggression with high-pitched wheezing to intimidate their rivals. Young timid bucks are easily spooked by this sounds and will tend to run away when they hear it.

This aggressive wheezing is also made by two dominant bucks before they begin sparring.

Related Article: Do Deer Live in the Rainforest?

Do Deer Make Sounds When in Heat?

Does make a loud bleating sound while in heat. This sound is higher-pitched than a buck’s call and is used to attract bucks.

This shows that the deer is ready to mate and that all interested males can approach. It is perhaps the loudest sound any deer can make and is very distinctive.

The sound has been known to attract males. Often more than one buck is attracted to the sound and answers the call. This leads to fights among bucks for the right to mate. The doe then chooses the winner to mate with.

Can Deer Communicate with Each Other using Noise?

Doe have been known to make various sounds to communicate with each other. This is especially helpful considering they are hard animals and might need to call each other to converge at a specific location.

Female deer make grunt noises that have a higher pitch than normal buck grunts. This is because of their shorter airways compare the to the buck’s. Their grunts are used to communicate with other deer while feeding.

Mothers also used the grunts to call their babies when they wander off far from their mothers. They also use this to call the babies to come and feed.

It is also common to here deer making some kind of bleating sound that is similar to that of a goat. 

Experts believe that deer make the bleating sound as a sign of contentment and being in a cheerful mood. They do this to communicate their mood when gathered together.

What Sounds do Baby Deer Make?

Baby Deer (also called fawns) make various whining or crying noises to communicate their feelings with their mothers. These calls might be used to indicate hunger, danger or distress.

Fawn have been known to make a whining noise when they are breastfeeding or need to breastfeed. They do this to encourage their mothers to release the milk for them to feed. This sounds make the babies bond with their mother. They however cannot be heard from far away.

Fawn have also been known to make crying sounds when distressed or in danger.

They do this to call for help from their mothers. They make this sounds when they accidentally lose their mothers, or when they are panicked while being attacked by predators.

Doe are known to be able to distinguish between different fawn calls to be able to pinpoint their exact babies. They react quickly to these calls because of their strong maternal instincts. Hunters have been known to imitate baby deer to try and attract does.

The tactic has proven to be especially effective when hunting female deer.


Noises associated with deer include bleating, crying, grunting, sniffing, snorting, stomping, and wheezing. Hunters often listen out for these noises to locate deer.

Different deer make different sounds depending on the situation. Bucks make lower-pitched calls than does, and fawns have specific nasal calls that are recognizable by the mother deer.

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