25 Fish that Bite (A to Z List with Pictures)

Fish that Bite

Examples of fish that bite includes blacktip reef shark, blacktip shark, bull shark, California moray, and Caribbean reef shark.

One of the most common examples of fish that bite is the piranha, a small but ferocious freshwater fish that is found in South America. Piranhas have razor-sharp teeth and a powerful bite, and they are known to attack humans if they feel threatened. Another type of fish that bites people is the barracuda.

These large saltwater fish are found in tropical waters all over the world, and they have been known to attack swimmers and fishermen. Barracudas have long, sharp teeth that can cause serious injuries, and they are not afraid to use them.

Finally, there are several species of fish that bite people as a form of self-defense. These include catfish, eels, and sharks.

Examples of Fish that Bite

1. Blacktip Reef Shark

Scientific NameCarcharhinus melanopterus
Type of AnimalFish
Rangealong the coastlines of Pacific regions, such as Thailand, Japan, Philippines, New Caledonia, and northern Australia

One of the most dangerous fish that can bite humans is the blacktip reef shark. These sharks are found in tropical waters around the world, and they are known for their aggressive behavior. Blacktip reef sharks have long, sharp teeth that can cause serious wounds, and they are not afraid to use them.

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2. Blacktip Shark

Scientific NameCarcharhinus limbatus
Type of AnimalFish
Rangetropical to subtropical coastal, shelf, and island waters

The blacktip shark is a species of requiem shark, in the family Carcharhinidae. The shark is easily identified by the black tips on its fins and its small size. It is found in tropical and subtropical waters all over the world, including the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The blacktip shark is a predator that primarily feeds on small fish, squid, and crustaceans. However, the shark is also known to attack humans if it feels threatened or if it is provoked. The blacktip shark is not considered to be a particularly dangerous species of shark, but its bites can still be painful and can cause bleeding.

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3. Bull Shark

Scientific NameCarcharhinus leucas
Type of AnimalFish
Rangecoastal waters all over the world

The bull shark is one of the most dangerous types of shark in the world. They are found in warm, shallow waters all over the globe, and they are known for their aggressive nature. Bull sharks have been responsible for many attacks on humans, and they are not to be messed with

4. California Moray

Scientific NameGymnothorax mordax
Type of AnimalFish
Rangethe eastern Pacific from just north of Santa Barbara to Santa Maria Bay in Baja California

The California moray is a large, aggressive species of eel that is found in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California. These eels can grow to be over eight feet long, and they are known to bite humans if they feel threatened.

5. Caribbean Reef Shark

Scientific NameCarcharhinus perezii
Type of AnimalFish
Rangenear coral reefs in the Caribbean and off South America

The Caribbean reef shark is a large saltwater fish that is found in the reefs and waters around the Caribbean Sea. These sharks can grow to be over 20 feet long, and they are one of the most dangerous sharks in the world.

6. Giant Moray

Scientific NameGymnothorax javanicus
Type of AnimalFish
Rangetropical marine waters of the Indo-Pacific

The giant moray is a large, aggressive eel that is found in tropical waters all over the world. These eels can grow to be up to 10 feet long, and they have sharp teeth that they use to attack other fish. The giant moray is known to bite humans if they feel threatened, and their bites can be very painful.

7. Goliath Tigerfish

Scientific NameHydrocynus goliath
Type of AnimalFish
Rangethe Congo River Basin (including Lualaba River and Lake Upemba), and Lake Tanganyika

The goliath tigerfish is a freshwater fish that is found in the Congo River Basin. It is the largest member of the characin family, and it can grow up to 6 feet long and weigh up to 350 pounds.

The goliath tigerfish has 32 teeth that are each up to 3 inches long. These teeth are so sharp that they can easily pierce human skin, and the fish has been known to attack people who come too close to its waters.

8. Great Barracuda

Scientific NameSphyraena barracuda
Type of AnimalFish
Rangethe western Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts (U.S.) to Brazil

The great barracuda is a large, predatory saltwater fish that is found in tropical waters all over the world. Great barracudas can grow to be over six feet long, and they have long, sharp teeth that can cause serious injuries. Great barracudas are not afraid to use their teeth, and they have been known to attack swimmers and fishermen.

9. Great White Shark

Scientific NameCarcharodon carcharias
Type of AnimalFish
RangeSouth Africa, Australia/New Zealand, the North Atlantic, and Northeastern Pacific

One of the most dangerous fish in the world, the great white shark is an apex predator that is found in waters all over the globe. Great white sharks can grow to be over 20 feet long and weigh over 2 tons, making them one of the largest predatory fish in the world.

Great white sharks are responsible for many attacks on humans, and they are considered to be one of the most dangerous animals in the world.

10. Grey Reef Shark

Scientific NameCarcharhinus amblyrhynchos
Type of AnimalFish
RangePacific and Indian Oceans

The grey reef shark is a type of shark that is found in tropical and subtropical waters all over the world. These sharks are known to be aggressive, and they have been known to attack humans.

11. Hammerhead Shark

Scientific NameSphyrnidae
Type of AnimalFish
Rangetemperate and tropical waters worldwide

One of the most dangerous fish that bites people is the hammerhead shark. This large saltwater predator is found in warm waters all over the world, and it has been known to attack swimmers and fishermen. Hammerhead sharks have long, sharp teeth that can cause serious injuries.

12. Lemon Shark

Scientific NameNegaprion brevirostris
Type of AnimalFish
RangeNew Jersey (US) to Southern Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean

The lemon shark is a type of requiem shark and is one of the more common species of shark that bite humans. The lemon shark gets its name from its yellowish coloration. It is found in tropical and subtropical waters all over the world and can grow to be up to 11 feet long.

13. Leopard Shark

Scientific NameTriakis semifasciata
Type of AnimalFish
Rangethe Eastern Pacific Ocean from Oregon to the Gulf of California in Mexico

The leopard shark is a species of carpet shark and the only member of the family Hemiscylliidae. Common names include zebra Shark, nursehound, and cat shark. It is found in tropical and subtropical waters off southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Polynesia.

The leopard shark is a relatively small species growing to a length of 2 m (6.6 ft). It has a slender, fusiform body with a long, flat snout and large eyes. The first dorsal fin is small and originates over or just behind the pectoral fins, while the second dorsal fin is larger and originates over the anal fin.

14. Mako Shark

Scientific NameIsurus oxyrinchus
Type of AnimalFish
Rangefrom New England to Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Texas, and in the Caribbean Sea

The mako shark is one of the fastest and most dangerous sharks in the world. It can grow up to 12 feet long and weigh over 1,000 pounds. Mako sharks are found in tropical and temperate waters all over the globe.

They have been known to attack and kill humans, although these incidents are rare.

15. Nurse Shark

Scientific NameGinglymostoma cirratum
Type of AnimalFish
Rangetropical and subtropical coastal waters of the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific

The nurse shark is a type of carpet shark that can be found in tropical and subtropical waters all over the world. Nurse sharks are relatively large, growing to a length of about 10 feet (3 meters).

They have a stout body and a long, flat snout. Nurse sharks are not considered to be dangerous to humans, but they have been known to bite if they feel threatened.

16. Pacific Barracuda

Scientific NameSphryaena argentea
Type of AnimalFish
RangeNortheast Pacific Ocean

The Pacific barracuda (Sphyraena argentea) is a large saltwater fish found in tropical waters all over the world. Barracudas have long, sharp teeth that can cause serious injuries, and they have been known to bite anglers.

17. Port Jackson Shark

Scientific NameHeterodontus portusjacksoni
Type of AnimalFish
Rangethe temperate waters off of the southern half of Australia

The Port Jackson Shark is a species of fish that is found in the waters off the coast of Australia. These sharks are relatively small, only reaching a length of about 4 feet. Despite their size, they are considered to be one of the most dangerous sharks in the world due to their aggressive nature and sharp teeth.

18. Red-Bellied Piranha

Scientific NamePygocentrus nattereri
Type of AnimalFish
Rangethroughout the low elevation regions of the Amazon River basin

The red-bellied piranha is one of the most well-known fish that bite. These freshwater fish are found in South America, and they are known for their sharp teeth and powerful bite. Piranhas are not typically aggressive towards humans, but they will attack if they feel threatened.

19. Redeye Piranha

Scientific NameSerrasalmus rhombeus
Type of AnimalFish
Rangein the drainage systems of the Amazon and Orinoco as well as the Essequibo River and other rivers of the Guiana Shield and the coastal rivers of northeastern Brazil

The Redeye Piranha (Serrasalmus rhombeus) is a species of freshwater fish in the family Characidae. It is found in rivers in tropical South America and is most commonly found in the Amazon Basin.

The redeye piranha has a reputation as a ferocious predator, and it is known for its razor-sharp teeth and powerful bite. The redeye piranha is a small fish, growing to a maximum length of about 10 inches (25 cm).

20. Sand Tiger Shark

Scientific NameCarcharias taurus
Type of AnimalFish
Rangein the eastern and western Atlantic, the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas

The sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus), also known as the gray nurse shark, spotted ragged-tooth shark, or blue-nurse sand tiger, is a species of requiem shark. It inhabits subtropical and temperate waters worldwide.

21. Sandbar Shark

Scientific NameCarcharhinus plumbeus
Type of AnimalFish
Rangewarm temperate to tropical coastal waters around the globe, including from New England to Brazil in the western Atlantic

The sandbar shark is a large saltwater fish that can be found in tropical waters all over the world. Sandbar sharks have long, sharp teeth and a powerful bite, and they are known to attack humans if they feel threatened.

22. Spotted Moray

Scientific NameGymnothorax moringa
Type of AnimalFish
Rangein the western Atlantic from North Carolina in the USA, east to Bermuda, and south to Brazil. They are also found in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean

The spotted moray is a species of fish that is found in tropical and subtropical waters all over the world. These fish are typically brown or green in color, and they have spots on their bodies. They grow to be about two feet long, and they have sharp teeth that they use to bite their prey.

23. Tiger Shark

Scientific NameGaleocerdo cuvier
Type of AnimalFish
Rangeon the east coast from Cape Cod to Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico and on the west coast from California southward

The tiger shark is one of the most dangerous sharks in the world. It is found in tropical and subtropical waters all over the world, and it is known for its aggressive behavior. Tiger sharks grow to be around 16 feet long, and they can weigh up to 1,500 pounds.

They have razor-sharp teeth that can cause serious injuries. Tiger sharks have been known to attack swimmers and fishermen, and they are considered to be a major threat to swimmers.

24. Whitetip Reef Shark

Scientific NameTriaenodon obesus
Type of AnimalFish
RangeIndo-Pacific coral reefs

The whitetip reef shark is a species of shark that is found in tropical and subtropical waters all over the world. These sharks are relatively small, reaching a maximum length of just over 5 feet.

Despite their small size, they are considered to be one of the most dangerous sharks because of their aggressive nature and their ability to deliver a powerful bite.

25. Yellow-Edged Moray

Scientific NameGymnothorax flavimarginatus
Type of AnimalFish
Rangetropical Indo-Pacific region

The yellow-edged moray is a type of fish that is found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. These fish are usually brown or green in color, and they can grow to be over two feet long. Morays are known for their aggressive behavior, and they will often bite anything that comes near them.

While morays are not generally considered to be dangerous to humans, their bites can be extremely painful and can sometimes lead to infection.


There are many different types of fish that can bite, from small freshwater fish to large saltwater predators. While some fish bites may be relatively harmless, others can cause serious injuries.

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