37 Birds that Eat Dead Animals (A to Z List with Pictures)

Birds that Eat Dead Animals

Examples of birds that eat dead animals include African Fish Eagle, Bald Eagle, Black Kite, Black Vulture, and Buzzards.

Birds that eat dead animals are known as scavengers. These birds have a very important job in the ecosystem, and they play a crucial role in the food web. Scavengers help to clean up the environment, and they keep the ecosystem healthy. There are many different types of scavenger birds, and each one is unique.

Examples of Birds that Eat Dead Animals

1. African Fish Eagle

Scientific NameHaliaeetus vocifer
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesub-Saharan Africa

The African fish eagle is a large bird that can be found across Africa. The bird has brown feathers, and it has a white head with a black stripe under its eyes. The species feeds on fish and mammals, including dead whales. They will also eat very fresh carcasses, but they avoid eating diseased flesh.

2. Bald Eagle

Scientific NameHaliaeetus leucocephalus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth America

The bald eagle is a scavenger bird that is found in North America. The bald eagle is a very large bird, and it has a wingspan of up to 7 feet. The bald eagle is a top predator, and it feeds on fish, small mammals, and carrion. The bald eagle is an excellent scavenger, and it often feeds on the carcasses of large marine mammals.

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3. Black Kite

Scientific NameMilvus migrans
Type of AnimalBird
RangeAustralasia, Eurasia, and Africa

The Black Kite is a scavenger bird that is found in many parts of the world. This bird is a member of the hawk family, and it has a voracious appetite. The Black Kite will eat just about anything, including carrion, rodents, reptiles, and even garbage.

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4. Black Vulture

Scientific NameCoragyps atratus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeUnited States

The Black Vulture is a large bird of prey that is found in North and South America. These birds are scavengers, and they often eat carrion. Black Vultures have black plumage, and they have a bare heads. These birds are very social, and they often travel in flocks.

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5. Buzzards

Scientific NameButeo buteo
Type of AnimalBird
RangeScandinavia south to the Mediterranean

Buzzards are a type of scavenger bird that is found in many parts of the world. Buzzards are large birds, and they have a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters. Buzzards eat small mammals, reptiles, and carrion. Buzzards are important scavengers, and they help to keep the ecosystem healthy.

6. Caracaras

Scientific NameCaracara
Type of AnimalBird
RangeSouth America

The caracara is a type of scavenger bird that is found in South America. These birds are large, and they have a very distinctive appearance. Caracaras are known for their red facial markings, and they have a hooked beak. These birds are opportunistic feeders, and they will eat anything they can find. Caracaras are often seen scavenging on the ground, and they will also eat carrion.

7. Common Raven

Scientific NameCorvus corax
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth America

The common raven is a large black bird that is found in North America. These birds are known for their loud, harsh calls. Common ravens are scavengers, and they will eat just about anything. These birds are often seen near dumps, and they will also eat roadkill.

8. Condor

Scientific NameVultur gryphus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeAndes Mountain

The Andean condor is the largest flying bird in the world. These massive birds can have a wingspan of up to 10 feet, and they weigh up to 30 pounds. Condors are scavengers, and they often feed on the carcasses of dead animals.

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9. Eastern Imperial Eagles

Scientific NameAquila heliaca
Type of AnimalBird
RangeWest and Central Asia

The eastern imperial eagle is a large, powerful scavenger bird that is found throughout parts of Europe and Asia. These impressive birds have long, hooked beaks that allow them to easily tear through the flesh of dead animals. They also have strong talons, which allow them to carry heavy loads of meat back to their nests.

10. Egyptian Vulture

Scientific NameNeophron percnopterus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeSouthern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and India

The Egyptian vulture is a scavenger bird that is found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The Egyptian vulture feeds on carcasses of dead animals, and it often scavenges from human garbage dumps. The Egyptian vulture is an important part of the ecosystem, and it helps to keep the environment clean.

11. Fish Crow

Scientific NameCorvus ossifragus
Type of AnimalBird

One of the most common scavenger birds is the fish crow. This bird can usually be found in coastal areas, and it has a very distinctive call. It will steal food from other birds, so if you see a lot of crows in one area you can bet that some are feeding on garbage or dead animals.

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12. Golden Eagle

Scientific NameAquila chrysaetos
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth America

The Golden Eagle is a large bird of prey that uses its size and strength to hunt down dead animals. These birds can be found across North America, Asia, and Europe, but they are most common in northern California. They will hunt for smaller mammals such as rabbits, mice, and even squirrels.

13. Griffon Vulture

Scientific NameGyps fulvus
Type of AnimalBird

The Griffon Vulture is a large bird of prey that scavenges on carcasses of dead animals. These birds are found in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Griffon vultures have a wingspan of up to 3 meters, and they can weigh up to 11 kilograms.

14. Hawks

Scientific NameButeo
Type of AnimalBird
RangeCentral America, the West Indies, and Jamaica

Hawks are one of the most well-known scavenger birds. These predatory birds are known for their very sharp beaks and talons. Hawks typically eat small rodents, but they will also feed on dead animals that they find. Hawks have keen eyesight, which makes them excellent hunters.

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15. Himalayan Vultures

Scientific NameGyps himalayensis
Type of AnimalBird
RangeTibetan Plateau

The Himalayan vulture is one of the most well-known scavenging birds. This large raptor is found in the Himalayas, and it has been observed eating carcasses from both wild and domestic animals. Research has shown that a single group of these birds can consume up to 20 pounds of meat each day.

16. Hooded Vulture

Scientific NameNecrosyrtes monachus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesub-Saharan Africa

The hooded vulture is a scavenger bird that is found in Africa. This vulture has a very distinctive appearance, and it is one of the most recognizable birds in the world. The hooded vulture is mostly black, with a white neck and head. This bird is a member of the Old World vulture family, and it is the only member of its genus. The hooded vulture is a scavenger bird, and it feeds on carrion.

17. Lappet-Faced Vulture

Scientific NameTorgos tracheliotos
Type of AnimalBird
RangeSub-Sahara Africa

The Lappet-faced Vulture is a large bird of prey that is found in Africa. This vulture has a very distinctive appearance, with a bare head and neck, and a large beak. The Lappet-faced Vulture is a scavenger, and it feeds on the carcasses of animals.

18. Lesser Yellow-Headed Vultures

Scientific NameCathartes burrovianus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeMexico, Central America, and South America

The lesser yellow-headed vulture is a scavenger bird that is found in the rainforests of South America. These birds are very important to the ecosystem, and they help to keep the environment clean. The lesser yellow-headed vulture feeds on dead animals, and it helps to decompose the carcasses.

19. Marabou Storks

Scientific NameLeptoptilos crumenifer
Type of AnimalBird
RangeSub-Saharan Africa

Marabou storks are one of the largest types of scavenger birds. They are native to Africa, and they are often found near water. Marabou storks eat a variety of things, but they prefer to eat carrion. These birds have a very distinctive look, and they are often mistaken for vultures.

20. Pigeon Guillemot

Scientific NameCepphus columba
Type of AnimalBird
RangeNorth Pacific coastal waters

The Pigeon Guillemot is a small, black and white bird that can be found near the coast of North America. These birds are scavengers, and they will eat just about anything they can find. Pigeon Guillemots will often eat dead fish, and they will also eat seaweed.

21. Red-Throated Loon

Scientific NameGavia stellata
Type of AnimalBird
RangeArctic regions

The red-throated loon is a type of scavenger bird that lives in the Arctic. This bird feeds on dead fish, and it also eats carrion. The red-throated loon is an important part of the Arctic ecosystem, and it helps to keep the environment clean.

22. Ruddy Turnstone

Scientific NameArenaria interpres
Type of AnimalBird
RangeArctic tundra

The ruddy turnstone is a small, stocky bird that is found on beaches and mudflats. These birds are closely related to the black-headed gull. The ruddy turnstone has a red-brown back, and its belly is white. These birds are known for their ability to turn over stones and shells in search of food.

23. Ruppell’s Vultures

Scientific NameGyps rueppellii
Type of AnimalBird

These vultures are found in Africa, and they are the largest of all the scavenger birds. They have a wingspan of up to 3.1 meters, and they can weigh up to 9 kg. Ruppell’s vultures eat mostly carcasses of animals that have died from disease or starvation.

24. Slaty-Backed Gull

Scientific NameLarus schistisagus
Type of AnimalBird
RangeJapan and South Korea to Russia

The Slaty-Backed Gull is one of the most common scavenger birds that you can find in North America. It has a dark, jagged tail, and it can reach lengths up to twenty inches long. This bird prefers to feed on dead fish, but it also eats other animals like crabs and insects.

25. Snowy Egret

Scientific NameEgretta thula
Type of AnimalBird
Rangethe United States

The snowy egret is a beautiful white water bird that lives along the coastlines of North America and South America. This wading bird feeds mainly on small fish, but it also eats insects and crustaceans. Snowy egrets are known as some of the world’s best hunters, and they use their long yellow feet to grab slippery prey.

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26. Snowy Sheathbill

Scientific NameChionis albus
Type of AnimalBird

The Snowy Sheathbill is an Antarctic scavenger bird. This species has a very large bill and sharp claws, which help it to get through the tough skin of dead animals. They have a variety of feeding methods, including digging for food and picking meat off of carcasses.

27. South Polar Skua

Scientific NameStercorarius maccormicki
Type of AnimalBird
RangeAntarctic continent

The South Polar Skua is a type of seabird that is found in the Antarctic. This bird is a scavenger, and it feeds on penguins, seals, and other birds. The South Polar Skua is a large bird, and it has a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters. This bird is black and white, and it has a long, hooked beak. The South Polar Skua is a fierce predator, and it is known to attack humans.

28. Southern Giant-Petrel

Scientific NameMacronectes giganteus
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesouthern oceans

These are among the largest of all scavenger birds. They can weigh up to 20 pounds, and they have wingspans of over 7 feet. Their name is very fitting because they can eat a huge amount of food before needing to rest. Southern Giant-Petrels often fly above the ocean looking for dead animals floating on the surface or washed up onshore.

29. Steppe Eagle

Scientific NameAquila nipalensis
Type of AnimalBird
Rangesouthern Africa

The steppe eagle is a large, powerful scavenger bird that can be found in grasslands and open areas throughout the world. With its long wings and sharp talons, this majestic bird is perfectly adapted to soaring through the skies in search of prey.

Steppe eagles feed primarily on carrion or dead animal matter, but they will also hunt small mammals and reptiles. These birds typically roost in trees or on cliffs, and they build their nests in cavities or on ledges.

30. Tawny Eagles

Scientific NameAquila rapax
Type of AnimalBird

One of the most well-known types of scavenger birds is the Tawny Eagle. This large eagle has dark feathers, and it can weigh up to 9 pounds. The Tawny Eagle gets its name from its pale brown feathers, which are almost golden in color. These birds are found all over the world, and they have a very powerful beak. The Tawny Eagle uses its beak to rip open the carcasses of animals, and it can eat up to 4 pounds of meat in one day.

  • Terns
  • Tufted Puffin
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Western Reef-Heron
  • White-Backed Vultures
  • Yellow-Footed Gull


Birds that eat dead animals play an important role in the ecosystem by cleaning up rotting flesh. These birds have strong hooked beaks that allow them to tear through meat, and they often travel long distances to find food. Some of these scavenger birds are bald eagles, vultures, and caracaras.

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