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29 of the World’s Friendliest Animals (A to Z List & Photos)

Friendliest Animals

Examples of friendliest animals include pythons, blue whales, capybara, cats, and dogs.

Animals are amazing creatures that we humans often seem to overlook. However, there are some animals that will leave you astounded with their friendliness and charm.

If you’re looking for a cuddle buddy, your best bet is to look no further than the animal kingdom.

Animals are known for their friendliness and willingness to please humans. Check out this list of some of the friendliest animals on earth!

Examples of the Friendliest Animals

1. Ball Python

Scientific NamePython regius
Type of AnimalReptile
RangeSub Saharan Africa

The ball python is a species of nonvenomous snake that can reach up to two meters in length. It has been described as “friendly” and easy to handle by experts, and it doesn’t bite when handled unless stressed or scared. They are docile in nature and do not struggle while being held.

2. Bearded Dragons

Scientific NamePogona
Type of AnimalReptile

Bearded dragons make great pets because they are so friendly. They love to be around people and are always up for a cuddle. They’re also very low maintenance, which is perfect for busy pet owners.

Related Article: Do Bearded Dragon Eat Mice?

3. Blue Whale

Scientific NameBalaenoptera musculus
Type of AnimalMammal

The blue whale is the largest animal on earth, but that doesn’t mean it’s not friendly. These gentle giants love to interact with humans and will often come up to boats for a closer look.

They’re also known for their songs, which are some of the most beautiful sounds in the world.

4. Camels

Scientific NameCamelus bactrianus
SizeUp to 7ft

Camels are domesticated creatures that are so docile that they’ll allow humans to ride them for long distances. Many people prefer riding camels than horses because they’re usually slower and calmer than horses. Camels can become attached to their owners and follow them around.

Related Article: Are Camels Faster than Horses?

5. Capybara

Scientific NameHydrochoerus hydrochaeris
Type of AnimalMammal
RangePanama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Northeast Argentina, and Uruguay

You can’t get much friendlier than a baby capybara! They’re known for being very curious and not afraid of humans at all. In fact, they love to be around people so much that when a human sits down in their habitat, the babies will surround them and snuggle up with no hesitation.

6. Cats

Scientific NameFelis catus
Type of AnimalMammal

Cats may seem like they’re independent creatures that don’t need humans, but the truth is that cats actually love companionship.

They just enjoy their independence as well and will oftentimes choose to nap in a sunny spot rather than be cuddled all day. However, if you offer your cat some attention, they’ll definitely appreciate it.

7. Cows

Scientific NameBos taurus
Type of AnimalMammal

Cows are domesticated animals so they are not afraid of humans. If you approach cows in their field, they will come up to you and stare at you, hoping you have food. They will also follow you around if you enter the field. But, beware of bulls (male cows), as they’re not friendly like cows!

8. Cuttlefish

Scientific NameSepiida
Type of AnimalFish
Range in cold to tropical seas

Cuttlefish are some of the friendliest creatures in the ocean! They love to interact with humans and will often follow scuba divers around. They’re also very curious, which makes them a lot of fun to watch.

9. Dogs

Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Type of AnimalMammal

Dogs have been known as man’s best friend for centuries, and it’s no wonder why. They are one of the most friendly and loyal animals on earth. Dogs love to play and spend time with their human companions, and they will always be there to protect you.

10. Dolphin

Scientific NameDelphinus
Type of AnimalMammal

Dolphins are extremely smart and full of personality. They can be trained to do tricks like jumping through hoops, playing fetch with a ball, or even swimming next to people. Swimming with dolphins is considered one of the five best experiences in life by some experts because they are so incredibly friendly.

11. Ducks

Scientific NameAnseriformes
Type of AnimalBird

Ducks are another great option for a friendly pet! They’re always up for a game of catch and will follow you around the yard. They’re also very low maintenance and can be kept in a small backyard pond.

12. Giant Bosavi Woolly Rat

Scientific NameMallomys
Type of AnimalMammal
RangePapua New Guinea

The Giant Bosavi Woolly Rat is a friendly and social animal. They love to snuggle with their human companions, especially at night when they sleep together. These animals are so incredibly soft and fluffy that it’s hard not to be tempted to cuddle up next to them all day long.

13. Giant Panda

Scientific NameAiluropoda melanoleuca
Type of AnimalMammal
Rangesouthwest China

The giant panda is one of the most beloved animals in the world. They are incredibly friendly and love to be around people. They’re also known for their playful personality, which makes them a lot of fun to watch.

Unlike other species of bear, Pandas don’t see humans as potential food because they’re herbivores – they only eat plants!

14. Goats

Scientific NameCapra aegagrus hircus
Type of AnimalMammal

Goats are very friendly and love to be around humans. They’re also not as high maintenance as other pets, which makes them a great choice for people who don’t have much time to take care of their animals.

Goats will even come up to you if they like the way you smell–they’ll snuggle right into your arms.

15. Guinea Pig

Scientific NameCavia porcellus
Type of AnimalMammal

Guinea pigs are one of the friendliest animals. They love to cuddle and do not mind being held at all. It’s no wonder they’re widely regarded as great pets for kids because their docile nature makes them very easy to handle.

16. Horses

Scientific NameEquus caballus
Type of AnimalMammal

Horses are some of the friendliest animals on the planet! They love to be around people and are always eager to please. Horseback riding is a great way to get close to these beautiful creatures.

17. Hummingbirds

Scientific NameTrochilidae
Type of AnimalBird
RangeTierra Del Fuego to southern Alaska

You probably wouldn’t think a tiny bird would be the friendliest creature on earth, but you’d be wrong! Since they have such fast metabolisms and eat so much in a day, hummingbirds are always hungry. They’ll come up to anyone who feeds them with no fear because they know humans will keep their bellies full.

18. Humpback Whale

Scientific NameMegaptera novaeangliae
Type of AnimalMammal

Humpback whales are also incredibly friendly. They love being near boats, often coming right up to the surface so that people can pet them. Humpbacks have even been known to save humans from sharks. Friendly doesn’t get much better than this.

19. Koalas

Scientific NamePhascolarctos cinereus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeEastern Australia

Koalas are one of the most lovable animals on the planet! They look so cuddly from afar and many koalas who are accustomed to humans love to cuddle with their human friends.

However, some wild koalas can slash and scratch at you, so make sure you only cuddle koalas who are in captivity.

20. Llamas

Scientific NameLama glama
Type of AnimalMammal
Rangeprimarily Peru and Bolivia

Llamas are another great option for a friendly pet. They love to be around people and are very gentle creatures.

While they can be very loving with their owners, they sometimes can get uncomfortable around strangers and even spit at them!

21. Manatee

Scientific NameTrichechus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeUnited States

Manatees are gentle and loving creatures. They love to swim around with their calves, but they also enjoy being petted by humans.

There have been many stories of manatees rescuing people from drowning in the water or protecting them from sharks while swimming. These animals definitely deserve a spot on our list.

22. Meerkats

Scientific NameSuricata suricatta
Type of AnimalMammal
Rangethe Kalahari Desert in Botswana

Meerkats live in groups and are very social creatures. They like to play fight with each other and their humans, but they also love cuddles. They’re known for being loyal pets who never stray too far from home.

23. Mexican Salamanders

Scientific NameAmbystoma mexicanum
Type of AnimalReptile
RangeLake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in the Valley of Mexico

The Mexican Salamander is a friendly animal that can easily be tamed and handled. They are a popular reptile pet.

24. Otters

Scientific NameLutrinae
Type of AnimalMammal
Range North America

Otters are super friendly and playful with each other. They’ll spend hours playing together in the water or on land. But, they’ll often try to keep their distance from humans.

25. Pigeon

Scientific NameColumbidae
Type of AnimalBird

Pigeons are so comfortable with humans that they will return to their owners even over very long distances. This has made them excellent messengers – place a message on the pigeon’s leg, let it fly, and the pigeon will return to its owner, even if they’re on the other side of the country!

26. Pigs

Scientific NameSus
Type of AnimalMammal

Pigs are domesticated animals so they’re very comfortable around humans. They are highly intelligent and social, and teacup pigs are popular pets. Unfortunately, pigs are also mistreated in many farms around the world, despite their high intelligence and ability for showing emotions.

27. Rabbit

Scientific NameOryctolagus cuniculus
Type of AnimalMammal

Rabbits are some of the most popular pets in the world, and for good reason – they’re incredibly friendly.

Rabbits love to be around people and will often come up to you for a pet or a scratch behind the ears. They’re also very playful, so they make great companions for children.

28. Sheep

Scientific NameOvis aries
Type of AnimalMammal

Sheep are some of the friendliest animals around. They love to be near people and enjoy spending time with their flockmates. Sheep also have a very gentle nature and will rarely attack humans unless they feel threatened.

29. Sloths

Scientific NameFolivora
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeCentral and South America

Sloths are one of the friendliest animals on earth. They love to be around people and are always up for a hug.

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